Emotional Patterns
Feeling February is ending way too soon for me. BUT! This week we dip a toe into some significant emotional work - Emotional Patterns. Like other patterns in our lives (behavioral, generational, cognitive, etc.) they come up for healing in various ways. This week we also attempt to seek them out. The goal is to be able to feel anything and everything, knowing that you’re safe; and that feeling our feelings is the very richness of the human experience.
Our emotional patterns can be helpful; they can keep us safe, they can keep us feeling predictable.
Our emotional patterns can be detrimental; by not allowing ourselves to feel what we need to feel, we do not see what we need to see, we cannot heal what needs to be healed.
Identifying emotional patterns and working to heal them or improve them, will help you have a better relationship with your emotional life, and thus, with yourself.
Remember, one goal of naming and feeling your feelings is so that you do not have to be a victim of your emotions. Another goal is so that you can love yourself more honestly and vulnerably. *herein lies the magic*