What is a core wound?


.Love Members, prepare for a  powerful journey this month that will flow into the next on healing core wounds and up-leveling your life! We will explore the beliefs that hold us back from experiencing the world as we are designed to experience it. We'll delve deep into understanding our core wounds and discuss how releasing these beliefs can help us to open up to the possibility of change. 


  • Use discernment to reach out for quality support when needed during your development journey.

  • Allow yourself to heal any new layers of traumas and release them quickly in a safe environment.

  • Acknowledge that core wounds are often beliefs formed due to past experiences and work towards changing those beliefs.

  • Even if you do not actively choose or respond to something coming up, your presence is a gift within the container of collective well-being on the human journey. 

  • Be excited about the possibility of creating big shifts within yourself through this experience!


Embark on exploring your heart and mind, allowing you to experience a deeper level of love, wisdom, safety, prosperity, and creative expression. This is your invitation to self-pace your healing journey with personalized guidance and support from your angels and guides. Break through the fear and shame and meet yourself with compassion as you move towards transformation.


What to expect in the healing process


Vibrating Love