May 2023

0:00:21 - For the past few months, I've been experiencing severe leg cramps at night, something that's never happened before. Louise Hay suggests that leg issues are a result of resistance to moving forward, or reluctance to moving forward in a certain direction, fearing the future. This just doesn't feel quite right. What insights do my angels have for this painful, sleep-distrupting situation?

0:02:42 - What is a perspective on approaching my boss about a raise?

0:04:02 - How do I keep getting better at receiving?

0:05:43 - What is my life purpose?

0:08:18 - What do my Guides want to share with me about school, this pause, and when I might be in the state to finish, or am I supposed to finish?

0:11:11 - Am I connecting with a guide that was identified to me from another person who was channeling for me?

0:14:24 - Will I change vocations next year?

0:14:42 - I don’t have enough questions, what’s coming through with no question lol?

0:17:19 - What part of my business is most important to focus on this coming month?

0:20:48 - Any guidance on my living situation, Am I living where I am supposed to be? Is there changes in the near future? Do I need to do anything, or will it just evolve on its on in the perfect timing?

0:21:41 - After the initial core wound that we have already discussed, what is my next core wound that I should be aware of and work on?

0:22:34 - Will there soon be forward movement on my husband's contract work? Work has been stalled for several months now.

0:23:20 - What are some actions that would be helpful to take to prepare for channeling?

0:25:01 - What do I need to know for my highest good?

0:31:46 - I get great ideas and inspirations and never follow through on them. I overanalyze things and labor over the details until I don't even want to do it anymore. Why? What am I so afraid of? Or am I right not to pursue these things?

0:38:02 - I've been thinking about my deities all month but haven't had any feelings of connection. Can my angels and guides help me to identify and learn about my deities?

0:39:16 - What are some activities or physical actions I can do to help process fear

0:45:26 - My birthday is soon, best advice for my next trip around the sun?

0:47:19 - Is there a major int'l trip in my near future? (I'm thinking Ireland or the Middle East-Holy Land). I've delayed traveling due to family obligation and finances. Is this a good idea for me?

0:48:55 - Will my son in law end up with the woman that he is currently seeing or will he find someone else in the future?

0:51:24 - My son is unsure about where to go to college and what to major in. He is also debating taking on debt to go where his friends are going or trying to go somewhere else in or out of state that might offer scholarships. He also might consider going abroad for a year before starting college. What advice can you give about all of these huge decisions he has coming up? How can I best support him in figuring all of this out?

0:56:06 - What does my love life look like over the next 6-12 months


April 2023