April 2023

0:30 - I know I'm receiving messages in numbers. I'm seeing various combinations of the SAME numbers (1, 3 and 4) A LOT. How do I figure out what these mean? Is there something to the order of them or is it just the numbers showing up indicating something in general? The additional strange thing is that I was born at 3:14pm and I'm not sure if there is a connection there.

2:30 - What direction should I be pursuing for creative expression. I'm drawn to painting, have purchased supplies, but am resisting the pull. Is it fear of failure or should I continue w/jewelry? I keep putting off any endeavor, not making time. Any advice?

4:19 - What actions can I take to release attachment to outcomes? Like have a desire and then let go of it and trust universe/spirit knows what’s best

6:12 - I have been resisting doing my channeled writing for many months now. What is up with that? Why don't I do it anymore? What do I need to heal or learn to allow myself to enjoy it again?

7:46 - My biggest challenge is forgiving myself for past mistakes and letting go. I work on this but maybe I need a reminder or a new approach on best ways for me to work on this!11:01I’m not clear what my core wounds are. Can you help me to identify them?

13:17 - Am I staying in my relationship with my husband bc of love or bc of fear?16:58I made great progress with some core wounds last month but am currently feeling a total mess, disorganized, disconnected, and avoidant. I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything, but particularly I'm struggling with direction. What should I be focusing on or working on to push through this mess?

19:55 - How can I actively address fear?

29:06 - My core wounds have surfaced that I am not listening to myself. In what ways am I not listening to myself? I feel like I've been trying to be connected to self, to do the things that take care of me and protect me, and I know I'm not perfect with it all, but are there particular areas/things that I'm not listening to myself or my intuition on?

32:02 - I feel called to form 2 LLCs to start 2 new business ventures. I am really excited about it! It feels like I will be pursuing my life mission at last. I have been getting caught up in the logistics, however. When I consider all of the logistics I feel fear and doubt. I am creating anonymous LLCs to protect my family's assets and to help me bypass my "phobia" of being known publicly. Should I start my anonymous LLCs in Nevada, New Mexico, Delaware, or Wyoming? Can I wait a little while to start earning money before I pay the $1400 in fees to register them in Texas? I plan to form the LLCs myself and hire a CPA to make sure I don't make any financial or tax errors. Am I taking the right steps? Is it okay to jump into this?

33:50 - Is my sister, Chris, pleased w/how I handled the affairs of her estate? I just completed all the paperwork for her finances and legal matters, and distributed the assets. I'm hoping I processed things as she would have wanted.

34:50 - What would my angels have me know about improving my relationship w/my MIL? She's controlling and manipulative, and my spouse and I are her main caregivers. Any insights?

36:35 - I am actually pleased that my cats have suddenly stopped sleeping with me in my bed at night. But I’m curious why. Did Hilary have something to do with this? If not, what caused the change?

37:40 - Where is my cat Twiggy? Is she ok and if not can I find her to bring her home?

40:56 - My spouse is waiting to learn of a potential employment opportunity, an exciting position related to his direct expertise. He is very interested in this job, yet the whole process has been dragging on and on. Do you see this transpiring? If so, when?

42:29 - What are the lessons I signed up for?

44:36 - I’m still befuddled by spirits saying Hilary would get better and then saying wait until Sunday with an implied miracle coming, but then she died on Saturday. Have you received any more clarity on why?

47:53 - My oldest son recently received a new diagnosis. There is a very specific, 14-week therapy program that was recommended for him. He does not want to participate. He says he is fine and does not need the intervention. Should I insist that he participate in the program? Would this program be helpful for him?

49:17 - Do the Angels have any advice for me on regards to my new job? Anything I need to be with.

50:16 - Lately, my Mother-in-Law has seemed very distant from me. What is the reason for this? Did something happen? Did I hurt or offend her in some way I am not aware of? What can I do to be closer to her again? Why has there been this sudden change in the dynamic of our relationship?

52:54 - My brother is planning to have knee surgery/replacement soon. Do my angel guides see a positive outcome for him? Is this advisable, given his other health challenges? (emphysema, COPD) How can I best support him?

53:58 - How can I continue to embody love and move towards spirits love instead of looking for it outwardly?

56:02 - I seem to have a never-ending "to-do" list. All day, every day, I work on this list with the dream that one day I will be done, and then I can take time to do the things I enjoy. How can I get into a better balance? Why does it take me so long to do these everyday life tasks? Am I manifesting endless things to fill all of my time for some reason or is it because I have ADHD or something else that makes everyday tasks too overwhelming? Please help! :-)


May 2023


March 2023