Healing the human patterns

 So much of our lives are determined by our patterning. Our emotions have patterns. Our thoughts have patterns. 

Our body is designed to stay alive. Our patterns are based on what kept us alive as adolescents. Our patterns are often primal - food, shelter, tribe.

The question is - how do we assess our patterns? Identify what we've out grown? Identify what is not in alignment with the world we live in today?

No matter how educated you are in emotional clearing, thought work, and personal transformation - it is helpful to have an outside pair of eyes, a facilitator for your change process.

Even therapists have therapists. Coaches have coaches. 

Transformation Doula

Transformation Doula is my answer to your need for personal transformation. Doulas allow for the process to unfold, recognizing that we cannot control or predict our transformation, and, that it is not just up to us.

Not only is this process about recognizing and changing patterns, it's about including your spirit guides. Having the knowledge of your soul's journey over lifetimes, and the insight of what your soul intended to do in this lifetime is invaluable.

This is a well-rounded approach to your soul growth. My offer to be a transformational doula is a starting point. This is meant to be a custom experience based on your needs.

Learn more and reach out to me with questions.

Interested in a joint reading with your guides and an astrologer?

You can schedule a reading with Suzanne Platner and I! Not only will Suzanne offer the guidance of your soul's blueprint by assessing your birth chart, but your guides and angels will add their perspective and be available to answer questions.

Can you imagine having your guides present to help you understand yourself on such a deep level?! 

Check it out...

Learn skills for personal development

Learn about Transformation Doula