[ trans-fer-mey-shuhn ]

change in form, appearance, nature, or character.
synonym: metamorphosis

doo-luh ]

a professional who provides support & assistance to individuals, during a medical or emotional crisis 

What is a 'transformation doula'?

You may have heard of labor and birth doulas. If you're really hip you may have even heard of death doulas. Doulas are trained professionals who assist you during major life transitions.
Doulas are not coaches. They do not hold a desired outcome for your journey, they are there to support you along your journey, whatever that may be.
Doulas are not miracle workers. Or are they? ;) The doula assists, supports, educates, but they cannot do the work for you. Doulas create a safe and secure environment for your life transition.
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I created Transformation Doula to give clients access ongoing access to spiritual support.

You are perfect exactly as you are. And always will be. But that doesn't mean you aren't being called to grow. That doesn't mean you don't want support when life gets shaky.
The Transformation Doula container includes:
  • 1 joint reading with an astrologer or enneagram coach
    • I will be there with you to learn more about you, as well as add anything. your guides and angels would like to interject
  • 3 one-on-one readings with me
  • You have one year to use all of your sessions
Imagine that you are a seed trying to bloom. Do you need more sunlight? More water? More room? It helps to know what kind of seed you are before you make those decisions. That is why we start with insight into your spiritual DNA of the enneagram or astrology.
I want to ensure that you get miraculous transformation, far beyond any goals you set. This will require us to work together, with your guides and angels. To be vulnerable. To be brave. To be held in a loving container.
How is this different from booking a reading?
This is about intention.  When you choose the doula package you are commiting to your own transformation. Thus, our readings will be geared towards spiritual counseling, rather than answering day-to-day questions.  (Thought that's also allowed)
How much?
If you do the math, you'll notice that this price is more expensive than buying 4 individual readings.
It is priced LOWER than if you booked 3 readings plus a joint astrology or enneagram reading.
Plus 7 is my husband's lucky number ;)
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