Untapped Brilliance
We are all innately gifted, talented, blessed, and designed to live out our soul's purpose.
None of us know what lies inside of us, not fully. We have some insights, some clues, and some hopes about our potential, about our divine greatness - but we don't really know what all we are capable of, what all we are designed to excel at.
Before we get deeper into this I want to tell you what spurred this topic idea for me, cause it seems silly but I'm a kinesthetic person and this was a physical experience that I had.
I had created time to exercise one day, I've slowly been getting back into a regular exercise routine after not doing much for eight months. So on this day I truly did not want to exercise. And in my mind I was thinking it wasn't going to go well. It had been a long time since I'd done something high intensity and my angels were telling me today was the day to start.
I told myself that I was just gonna try, I was probably not gonna feel strong, I wasn't going to feel energetic. But I could do my best and at least show up. In short, I had low expectations but was being gentle with myself so that I'd keep showing up.
Imagine my surprise when I started moving and I had a whole reserve of energy and an amount of strength that I did not know was there. I mean, I had energy you guys. I went from wishing I could lay down on the floor to jumping up and down lifting weights like it was as easy as breathing out and in.
My response to exercise was not a one-time special occurrence because I was following my guidance - it was the natural course of events. It was in alignment with my highest good. I had always had the energy and the strength to do that workout - I just didn't know it.
And this is how I came up with today's topic - UNTAPPED BRILLIANCE.
There is so much inside of us, so much potential, that we haven't given a chance to shine yet, to be made manifest in the world. And we won't know it's there until we put ourselves into a situation that would allow that brilliance to be born.
The reserve of energy I needed to exercise would never have been accessed if I'd chosen to sit at my desk instead of work out.
Remember, we are given everything we need in order to achieve what is ours to do. Either we're born with it, or we're given the ability to learn it.
There are no internal roadblocks to us living out our life purpose besides our own thoughts.
Sometimes, discovering a talent, a gift, a reserve of energy and strength - can help us find our path.
This happened with me and mediumship. I knew I was a channel but I hadn't ever tried mediumship. I was always interested in it, but it never occurred to me that I should try it. Until one day another channel told me I was a medium and that I should be doing readings for people.
So I tried it. I started doing readings for people. And guess what?! I have an innate skill for mediumship.
Never would've known it had I not tried. Yes I had some clues, but I didn't have an angel walk into my house look me in the eye and tell me my life's purpose was channeling and mediumship. I had to discover it for myself.
And the act of discovering it, the act of stumbling upon and developing my skills - has only increased my buy-in that this is my purpose in life. Because no one handed me the role, because I was a part of the co-creation process, it eases the work I have to do on my brain when I have times of doubt.
Sometimes that gifts that are inside of us aren't our life purpose, but they are related.
Perhaps you're a gifted public speaker but that's not your role in life per se. That skill is still helping you, in meetings, in important conversation, perhaps with your kids.
All of the talent and innate divine greatness inside of us longs to be expressed. When we live that greatness, however impressive it may or may not be - that is embodying the divine. That is giving God a chance to exist through you. Utilizing what's inside of you, whether it's a gift for mediumship or the energy needed to exercise - using the gift allows you to be your best self.
What does this mean? It means, follow your instincts when there are new opportunities. When you have no reason to believe you'd be good at something, but you feel a calling to do it - then try it.
Worst case scenario you learn what's not for you and what not to spend your time on.
A funny example I have of this - is basketball. When I was young I loved sports. I loved using my energy, I loved the competition, I loved the whole process of being on a team and cheering each other on.
As a kid I played all sorts of sports. And it quickly became a choice point for me, which was I going to focus on and make time for. Hahaha, but then I tried basketball. Basketball was the first sport I tried that I was instantly terrible at and not able to improve within the first few minutes of learning the mechanics of the game.
Holy cow. Dribbling felt so unnatural to me. Then you had to do it while walking, or running?! What. Crazy. And people who are good at basketball will talk about the rhythm of shooting hoops, how your energy flows from jumping off the floor to releasing the ball out of your hands, almost like a spring....but nope. Not for me. I'm terribly uncoordinated when it comes to shooting a basketball.
And guess what - being bad at basketball didn't kill me. Was I embarrassed? Absolutely. But was it helpful learning? Yes.
Now I know - I don't need to waste my time on basketball. I'll finish out the season and learn what it's like to be the worst on a team, an experience I hadn't had before. Then I'll be grateful that I get to move on.
So the worst case scenario about putting yourself into new situations is that you learn. You learn about the skills needed, you learn about yourself, and you have a chance to develop new skills.
At that time in my life that I was playing basketball I learned how to watch others play and how to cheer them on. I learned how to sit out a lot. Developing those skills in a low stakes situation was fantastic, then I had those skills in my toolbox as I got older and sitting on the bench was more and more likely, both in low stakes and high stakes situations. I learned how to be part of a team but only play a supporting role. I learned how to be invested in a team outcome even though I wasn't a high stakes player. I learned that supporting teammates when I don't know how they're doing whatever they're doing - can be tricky. That whole skillset was planted within me when I discovered that I was absolutely terrible at basketball.
And yes, maybe I would've learned those skills some other way. But I'm so glad that experience happened for me when I was so young, it planted seeds within me about what it means to be on a team in a way I hadn't had before.
...when you put yourself out there to discover what you're capable of, what you're brilliant at, you will learn.
Maybe you'll learn your life's purpose, or some skill that's going to help you be better at what you want most to do. Maybe you'll learn what you don't want to spend your time on.
For a long time I played with the idea of being a minister. Because I love spirituality and I love growth, it just seemed to make sense. Then someone gave me the chance to speak at their church - and I learned. I learned I was capable, but it wasn't my purpose.
The experience was clarifying for me. and Clarity, is a wonderful thing, especially for us humans.
Show up for yourself loves. Be afraid if you're afraid, but show up. Try new things. Follow your instincts, your callings. They might lead you to falling on your face and learning new skills, or, they could lead you to your brilliance.
You are divine energy.
There is immense potential within you, to be a light in the world, to be God in action.
Go try new things and discover more about yourself. Allow this process to help you develop your intuition. Allow it to help you fall in love yourself, and with the divine source that is expressing in you.
Go be brilliant loves.
As Rhianna would say, shine bright like a diamond...