Neutrality is not neutral.
I’ve been thinking a lot about neutrality; its a false concept.
In spiritual terms - everything is either God, or separation from God. There is no in-between.
Everything has a source. Every action has an outcome; even silence.
Why am I spending time debunking neutrality?
Many spiritual people, one in particular whom I adore, believe that neutrality is a sign of spiritual enlightenment. I don’t believe this to be true.
I believe that our desire to remain neutral is actually our desire to maintain whatever sense of peace we have. By not disrupting the status quo or not stirring the pot - we don’t cause a scene. Or even worse, we don’t invite negative feelings from others.
Neutrality is not a sign of enlightenment. Sometimes, neutrality is cowardice in disguise. Sometimes, neutrality is actually uncertainty about what to do.
Not speaking up, not saying anything, inaction - that is not love.
Love is action.
Sometimes love is silently listening, hugs, and speaking out. Love is not always activism, though it certainly can be.
Love is a decision as well as a state of being.
LOVE - in its truest, most evolved form, is discerning.
Love looks at a situation and the people involved and tries to bring healing to all.
Love recognizes the source of our pain and of our brain’s storytelling. Love is looking at yourself and being willing to say, that’s not God that’s my inner child asking for help, or, that’s not God that’s my ego trying to deceive me.
Love is courageous in its honesty.
“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere”
How often is “neutrality” actually complicity? More often than we’d like to imagine.
We’ve all been the person who saw someone else get bullied and did nothing because we didn’t know what to do, or we wanted to protect ourselves from the same abuse.
I have compassion for that - we all should. Knowing what to do and what to say is HARD and COMPLICATED.
I am not suggesting that we should all start speaking up to save the world.
I am suggesting that neutrality should not be the goal.
If neutrality is not a sign of spiritual enlightenment, what is?
We all get to decide for ourselves. We’re all on our own growth journeys and we all experience the world differently.
For me, spiritual enlightenment includes being willing to look at what is unpleasant, so that I can change and be a more effective light in the world.
What behaviors have you been disguising as enlightenment?
Who are you being called to be in order to be more effective?