Unlock Your Spiritual Blueprint - How to Work with the Nervous System

This week is all about harnessing your body's innate intelligence. Discover how tapping into your nervous system can help you make better decisions from a place of wisdom and peace, manifest what you want, and create the spiritual blueprint that guides you to meet your true purpose. We'll explore practical steps for understanding what your body is communicating and learn how to recognize fear vs. judgment when making choices. Tune in for an insightful journey as we unlock each person's divine curriculum


  • Learn to listen and honor your body's signals when taking breaks or making decisions.

  • Refine intelligence by paying attention to the nervous system and understanding how it works with your divine energy.

  • Make informed decisions from a place of wisdom once you know what your body is trying to tell you.

  • Speed up vibration to connect with spirit and make better decisions from a place of peace and confidence.

  • Understand which blocks prevent living out love, work on healing those issues, and create the life you want through manifesting the law of attraction using your spiritual blueprint as guidance.

Episode Transcript


Hello, love's Welcome to the living out love podcast, I am so excited to be recording today. Because I am starting a, probably just a two part series, it might end up being three. But I'm going to do a short series all about the nervous system. And I've really been thinking about possibly calling this like the Holy Grail of spiritual insight is the nervous system.


What is the nervous system?


So we're going to dive in today on like, what is the nervous system? And how does it serve us? And then part two will be more about how do we utilize it and nurture it. So I want to read to you the Cleveland Clinic definition of the nervous system.

Your nervous system is your body's command center. Originating from your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the world around you. It also controls other body systems and processes such as digestion, breathing, and sexual development, puberty, diseases, accidents, toxins, and the natural aging process can damage your nervous system. That's the Cleveland Clinic definition.



Here's what I want to add to that.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. That experience is felt and often co created in the nervous system.

That's where that's our, the physical experience of being a human. Our physical experience of spirituality is centered in the nervous system. What the Cleveland Clinic also doesn't say is that we can experience emotion in the nervous system. We experience emotion in our brain as well, but we don't feel it in our brain, we feel it in our body. And a lot of times we'd like to talk about emotion as if they happen to us, we're sort of victim of our emotion, they make us do bad things, or they make us overreact. And we don't spend a lot of time talking about that they are physical sensations in the body. So if you are having an experience of anxiety or shame, a lot of times those emotions are accompanied by a feeling of wanting to jump out of your skin or your skin crawling, there's that element of I would rather be anywhere but in my body, I would do anything to not have to feel what I'm feeling. Well, that feeling is happening in your nervous system. And it may be expanded from there, maybe you'll feel something specifically in your stomach or in your chest. But it's originating that sensations originating in your nervous system.



On the flip side of that, when we do things to actively work with our emotions, we meditate we go for walks, we take calming breaths, we do box breathing when we are consciously taking care of our emotions, that is soothing our nervous system. So our nervous system is a barometer for our human experience. And it's where we experience the emotion the emotions also happening in our brain, but where we are having the experience of it is in the nervous system. The other key thing about the nervous system is that it is how we connect with spirit. This is true for everybody. But for those of you that are interested in mediumship if you've watched Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo or I forget his last name, I think his name is Henry. He's got the show on Netflix, the young man that's blonde, I'll put it in the show notes. They will talk a lot about what they're feeling. And Theresa Caputo a lot when she's out doing the readings in the public interest say oh I'm just feeling so nervous. I'm just feeling so anxious. That is as a medium that is what it's like it's like you're when you're plant trying to blend with spirit your nervous system has to speed up and it does feel very similar to anxiety. I can differentiate between what's anxiety and what spirit but I have to differentiate because it feels so similar. I'll have that experience of that speeded up nervous system and I'll go is spirit trying to come in or is this anxiety like I'll have to ask myself because it does feel so similar.


How the nervous system experiences spiritual connection


So that sped up nervous system brings us In closer vibration to spirit. And this is counterintuitive, because we think about the type of spirit connection when we're calm, and we're in meditation. And we, it's like we're receiving spirit in calm meditation. And that is also an experience to have.

But when you are blending with spirit, when you are inviting spirit into your physical form, your nervous system has to speed up. And it's interesting because even even psychics that are clairvoyant or clear audience, you don't think about them as feeling because they're seeing or they're hearing. But in order to connect, they do actually have to speed up their nervous system in order to receive through those methods. So it's this blending of spirit energy with your nervous system that helps you to connect. And so I find it so interesting.



That's why I'm saying this is the holy grail, I find it so interesting that our nervous system is it's responsible for executing our physical health systems, our digestion, our puberty, all of that. It's how we experience our emotion. And it's how we connect with spirit.

So our nervous system is at the center of our human experience. And the mirror of that would be that our energetic field is at the center of our spiritual experience. And thus, the nervous system is like the center, the physical center of our energetic field. So why is this important? We have our nervous system, it controls a lot of things, we experience our emotion there, we connect with spirit there. So what?

Why is the nervous system so important? 


Well, the combination of our physical experience and our emotions and our connection with spirit is powerful manifestation. It's powerful manifestation. If you follow Esther Hicks and Abraham, you'll be familiar with the law of attraction and those that follow the law of attraction talk about if you want to manifest something, you want to think and feel as if you already have it. Well, spiritually, speaking, energetically speaking, why would that be the case? Because if you are feeling let's say you're trying to attract a romantic partner, and you do whatever it takes to feel as though you already have that romantic partner use at the table for two or you get dressed up as if you're going on a date, or you wear laundry, even though it's just you like whatever that might be? Well, what that does is it's shifting the way that you feel in your body, which is shifting your vibration, energetically, which means you can now attract what's at that vibration. So from the human perspective, you're trying to get your body to feel the way you imagine it would feel if you had that thing that you're wanting to attract.

From an energetic perspective, if you're feeling a certain way, that's changing your vibration so that you can attract what is at that vibration. The nervous system is the key to where the human and the divine meet in you where your divinity and your humanity comes together to be expressed. It's your nervous system, your nervous system, is what tells you the experience that you are having.


But what about the brain?


This is counterintuitive, because the people we love we like to talk a lot about the brain. And I'm a huge fan of the brain science I'm I love the brain. But we talk a lot about the brain. We rely on our research, we rely on what we've learned about the brain in order to make educated guesses inferences on what's happening in our brain when such and such is happening. For example, we know that when you are overwhelmed with emotion, that you are no longer thinking you get tunnel vision, you don't think clearly. So when you're in periods of extreme stress, you you see a very limited set of options and you can't you literally cannot be creative when you're in in periods of extreme stress. We know that. So if I'm in a period of extreme stress, and I'm able to step out of it enough, I can infer I'm probably not thinking clearly. But I'm having to think my way through that process. Versus when I'm working directly with my nervous system. my nervous system can get my attention and say you are having extreme stress right now. Or you are not okay right now, or you need to go for a walk like my nervous system is the thing. It's the two rule that tells me what I need to know. So brain science is great. I'm all for Brain Science, I geek out on brain science, but it's the nervous system that does the communicating.



And so we need to start thinking about how do we work with our nervous system? How do we manifest with it? How do we work with it? It is the combination of our human experience and our divine experience is like the seat of that. Here's what else I want you to know about the nervous system. It is. It's, it's the greatest tool.

So when you're thinking about, what does it mean to be spirit incarnate? What does it mean to have divine source energy in a human body? The an effective Lens, I'm going to say, the most effective lens is to look at how am I working with my nervous system? Am I making decisions when my nervous system feels calm? When it feels like I'm powerfully connected with spirit? Am I listening to my nervous system, when it tells me that something is not right here, when it tells me you're not getting enough sleep? Am I listening to that guidance?

Because I think what many of us think, is that we have to search outside of ourselves. To get guidance, we think we have to spend so much time in meditation, we have to spend so much time in trance or working with channels in order to get divine wisdom. But the truth of the matter is that we all have divine wisdom within us. And we're not always listening. Because we don't believe that we are that powerful.


Listen to your divine guidance


However, your nervous system is communicating with you. It is giving you divine wisdom. It is. Now that's not to say that it's perfect and that it can't trick you because of course, if you have some sort of belief system that's going to lead you to self sabotage, then your nervous system might give you feelings of scarcity or fear or panic when there's nothing to be afraid of. Because that's your conditioning in your belief system.

So your nervous system is acting out on your human patterning, as well as bringing in Divine Source wisdom. It is the seat of where your human and your divine energetics combined. So it does both. So don't give away your power by always deferring to whomever an author, a channel, whomever - honor the power that is within you, by paying attention to your nervous system.



And I keep using this phrase nervous system nervous system, you're probably tired of hearing it. So what do I mean?

I mean, your connection with your body is your body telling you that you're calm is your body telling you that you're connected to source is your body telling you that you need to go lie down. We, in general, most of us, as a global community, we have lost that belief that we are already connected intuitively to the world around us and that our body knows that gut instinct. That's that's your nervous system, saying pay attention.

Pay attention, that is Divine Wisdom coming to you through your nervous system through your body's intelligence. So think of we think about the brain being the seat of our intelligence. Let's think the brain is the seat of our human intelligence. And the nervous system is the seat of our divine intelligence. And it's where the brain and the divine come together to create and to experience life together. I'm so excited about this concept. I obviously am geeking out. But it is it is the greatest tool for changing your life. If you have not been honoring the clues that your body is telling you.

This is going to be game changing. And of course, it's tricky because sometimes my body will tell me, you don't really need to work today. You should go lie down you're tired, and it can be hard to know. When am I falling on old patterns of procrastination? When am I just believing that I'm not worthy of doing the work that I'm not really going to be successful versus when do I actually need to lay down? That can be tricky. But that's why I'm advocating that you do this more that you get more in touch with your body and what your body is telling you.


What about emotion?


And it is, you know, in season one of the podcasts, I talked a lot about emotion. And I stand by that, and I'm adding, it's not just emotion, it's also your physical experience of the world. Because even aching knees are communicating something with you about the way that you're moving or not moving through the world about the way that you're nurturing or not nurturing your body. And because your nervous system is both your physical experience and your divine experience, if you're taking care of your body, you are automatically taking care of your divine experience. Because they're the right there, your nervous system is the center of your energetic field, you cannot take care of your nervous system without also taking care of your energetic field, they are not separate, they are the same.

So if you think about, you go to an energy healer, we think about our energetic field as if it's this nebulous cloud of energy that's around us. But after you see an energetic healer, your body feels better. Because that energy affects your nervous system, because you are both divine and human. At the same time.

It's the center of everything, your nervous system, it's the center of your body, and it's the center of your divine energetic field. It's the center, it's the Holy Grail of your experience of being a divine spirit and human form. It's Oh, it's everything.


Stay tuned to learn how to work with your nervous system


Okay. So, next week, we're going to not next week, two weeks from now in Episode Seven, we're going to talk about how do we work with it? How do we nurture it? How do we leverage our nervous system to manifest? I want to leave you just with some food for thought for now. When your body is speaking to you, are you listening? And for many of you listening to this podcast, you might already be you might really already be listening to your body. So then the advanced question is when your body is speaking to you, and whatever it's telling you is uncomfortable. Are you intentionally working with spirit in order to integrate that future possibility into your nervous system? Now? Can you differentiate what is uncomfortable because it's new and exciting, because it's a high vibration experience in your nervous system, versus what is uncomfortable because it doesn't resonate, and it's not a match.

As I said earlier, when you're connecting with spirit, it's a high vibration, and that can feel very similar to anxiety. So when your nervous system is giving you feedback that at first glance, feels uncomfortable, like earlier, I was saying, is that Spirit coming through? Or is that anxiety? I have to differentiate when your nervous system is giving you feedback? Are you being mindful and discerning about that feedback.



And my advice to you is, don't take your first thought as the best thought it might be your first instinct might really be the best instinct. But if you are not practiced and skilled in working with your body as you're tuning fork to spirit second guess yourself am I really tired as my body telling me that's what's best for me right now is to lay down or am I just delaying the work because I have some belief that I need to uncover and work on.

And I have to tell you - for me, the more I've gotten focused on listening to my nervous system and then questioning what I'm making it mean the easier in the more beautiful my life has become. I'm I am my pattern is to push through my discomfort and to just keep going I'm a Capricorn I'm just gonna do the work. Keep going shovel harder. I'm not a Capricorn. Capricorn is my moon sign. It's not my sun or my rising sign. Capricorn for those of you that are curious, but I have a lot of Capricorn in my chart. So that's my patterning is to just push harder. If I if I'm my body's too telling me you need a break. My pattern is to be like, do it anyway. Stop self sabotaging. If you need a break, it's cuz you're self sabotaging.

But I've, I've really lately been focused on, let me refine my intelligence with my body. I mean, really listen to what my body is saying, What if I was questioning my first instinct on what my body is saying? I'm learning No, there are times I really do just need to rest. Interesting. No, I really did need to honor that instinct of not calling that person and not people pleasing. I had that instinct, and I didn't honor it. And I should have listened to my nervous system on that.



It is what I have found in working with my nervous system over the past few weeks, is that I've been surprised at how little I was actually working with it before. I thought, you know, I eat healthy I exercise sometimes. I'm, I meditate and I channel. I'm obviously doing all the things. So certainly I'm doing all the things well. But when I paid attention specifically to the nervous system where our human energy and our divine energy meets, I learned how much more opportunity there was for me to gain clarity and insight.

There's so much more opportunity to have a deeper awareness of what's actually happening for me, what am I actually experiencing right now, when I focus on my nervous system, and there is so much more opportunity to decide from a place of wisdom.

So when you're focusing on your body's intelligence, your nervous system communicating to you, you make decisions from an informed place. Because you're aware of what your body is trying to tell you and you can speed up your vibration in order to greater connect with spirit and so you make better decisions from a place of peace and confidence. So this getting in touch with your nervous system. Um, for me, it's literally been like the Holy Grail of what am I manifesting? What am I experiencing right now my brain wants to tell me I'm experiencing fear, but am I experiencing fear is this judgment. And the difference between those two things, is really helpful in knowing where it is that I have to heal and grow. And knowing what are my blocks to living out love. Getting more in touch with your body's communication to you. And how that is divinely blended with your energetic field is key in creating the life that you want, and key to manifesting the law of attraction and it's key to your own spiritual blueprint.

What is your assignment, your divine curriculum as the Course in Miracles would say we all have our own divine curriculum. What's your curriculum for healing here? Getting in touch with your nervous system? What is your body telling you is going to give you that answer. It is so key. So I'm really looking forward to episode seven. We're gonna dive into how to work with the nervous system, how to, how to use it, how to love it, how to appreciate what questions to ask, we're gonna dive in, it's gonna be good. I can't wait to see you. Thank you for being here. And I hope you have a lovely day. Pay attention to your body loves, bye!


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