Finding Peace & Acceptance through Difficult Situations
A Psychic Reading with Connie
In this episode of the podcast, Amy facilitates a live channeled session with Spirit for her client Connie as they explore the mystery of suffering and forgiveness to help her understand how to move forward in a troubled relationship. They discuss how life experiences can lead to increased resilience in our emotional well-being as we learn to forgive ourselves for any feelings of resentment or betrayal that come up during these times. By practicing non-attachment and self-compassion, people can rise above their struggles and experience a higher vibration from within themselves. Miracles happen daily - tune into this inspiring conversation about finding acceptance despite hardships!
Suffering can have different purposes for different souls; it may be to force a person to find a connection with themselves, their own power, and spirituality.
Forgiveness and reconciliation can be a significant part of overcoming suffering. Through self-compassion, acceptance, and resilience, we can transform our experience of suffering into something more meaningful.
Suffering can provide potential growth opportunities that elevate the soul and increase the vibration as well as the character of the soul.
Miracles happen every day, so living by diagnosis isn't always necessary. Sometimes, even once you get the lesson, you must go through the experience regardless of whether you understand it.
It is important to reconnect with yourself on your personal development journey to gain insight into life's mysteries which will hopefully be answered when our time here ends.
Amy Hageman 00:00
Hello loves. Good morning, I'm sitting at my desk recording this while one of my two kids is asleep and the other one's yelling at my husband. So hello world.
Amy Hageman 00:13
So this episodes can be a little bit different. This is our first episode in which you will hear a behind the scenes channeling. So essentially, I put out a call to my email list and said, Who wants a free reading that will be shared on the podcast, and I got many of you responded. And so this is the first of those three readings, you will notice that the audio quality is very different. Because it is not, I'm not sitting at my desk with my podcast mic, and it is just a recorded phone call. This is what you would hear if you were to have a reading and request to recording for me, this is what it sounds like. So please enjoy. You will notice each month when you hear these readings, they have very different things. People ask very different personal questions, of course. But you will also notice that there is always helpful information that can apply to all of us even more so with these readings, because we have set the intention ahead of time that it will be that way. So please enjoy our lovely reading with Connie.
Amy Hageman 01:25
All right, wonderful, we are recording. So Connie, how can I'm gonna say we how can we help you today?
There is nothing to forgive, but forgiveness is the key
Connie 01:33
Well, I do have some specific questions or issues that I want to talk about. And so I want to ask you, do you want me to bring those up first, or I want you to leave the session. Okay. So I have there's been a change my relationship with my sister over the past year, and it came up during the pandemic. And it's related to differences in opinions about the vaccine and, and just the response to things about the pandemic. And, and it's a little bit political, but it's also very personal because it has to do with relationships with my sister's daughter, and, and anyway, where it's my sister and I are estranged now, and it's really hurtful. And I am trying to figure out what I should do about it. And I have, my sister has felt like I've betrayed her. I have apologized, she's accepted my apology. And we've talked a couple of times since then, but it doesn't feel the same. And I don't know that it ever will. And I don't know if I should reach out again, apologize again. And I'm the one that making the overtures to in that relationship, you know, making a phone call every once in a while. And I'm starting to like I don't know if I want to keep trying except tennis, my sister. And so I'm not sure what to do about it. And I'm I'm also thinking you know, part of this is I need to forgive myself Are you say this, I need to forgive my sister even though there's nothing to forgive there.
Connie 04:02
There's really nothing to forgive with myself either. But it feels like a big forgiveness thing. But it also feels like I don't know if I want if we can go back to the way we were or if we've both changed and I don't want to try.
Amy Hageman 04:21
Right, right. Oh, these are great questions. There's definitely a lot of grief here. And I love what you said about there's forgiveness, but there's nothing to forgive. I feel like that is every situation ever. Because on the one hand, we do have to forgive things because we're human and we make mistakes. On the other hand, there's nothing to forgive because we're human and we're all doing our best. So you hit the nail on the head with that. I do think forgiveness of her is key when it comes to the decision to write you out. Mm. And that is that's, that's a big decision. And it's an it's an unhealthy relationship dynamic that one person holds all the power, versus the two of you coming together and saying, Well, how do we want this relationship to go? Now knowing that we have these differences in opinion? I want to ask Does your sister have? Does she see things in terms of like black and white? Yes, very much. I feel like to her. It's like what's done is done. And now it's over. Like it feels very black and white to her. And it's not that she doesn't have grief. Because I do get the sense that there's grief about it. But I don't think there's the same amount of thought and turmoil over it. I think it's, well, that's it, we're just no longer going to talk. And then that's it.
Deciding how to move forward
Amy Hageman 06:04
But to answer the question of like, what should you do, the first step is going to be deciding whether or not you really do want to have a relationship with her, it seems like you do. It feels like your spiritual guidance team, also would like the idea of a reconciliation. But if you get really clear, okay, I do want to stay in a relationship, then the homework is to keep reaching out when you feel led, when it feels like, Oh, I love my sister, I miss being with my sister, not when it feels like, desperate, I hope so reaches out to me, but more when it's like, Oh, I hope she's having a good day, I'm just going to send her a little note. And I recognize it's hard to do that without attachment to whether or not she's going to respond. But that's the advice your guys your guys are giving. The other thing they want to talk about is if and when I do actually feel optimistic that she's going to come around. So if and when she comes around, it's the conversation is is sort of what they used to call the DTR determined relationship. It's like, what are the rules of engagement here? It's okay, that we have had this sort of chasm, but we love each other, we want to come together. And what do we want that to look like?
It's like, we need to have this very adult conversation. And that's something that feels very new for her in some regards, so it's something where like, you're gonna kind of have to hold her hand through that conversation. Of like, you know, I understand that this was upsetting. And I appreciate you being willing to talk to me and give it a shot. And I want to make sure that we set up expectations, so that I don't risk pushing you away again. And some of that may be really mundane things like, we don't talk after 9pm On Wednesday, you know, like, just rules about how you engage. Maybe you're not friends on Facebook, but you talk to one another on the phone. And then some of it may be deeper things of, okay, if you are getting really upset and frustrated by something I say, then you take a break, you were willing to tell me, Okay, I've had enough, I need to take a break, and then come back to you when you're reading. It feels like that sort of thing is kind of a long shot of being able to actually have that conversation with your sister. But that's what is possible for the two of you. In the long term. In the short term, the guides are there like nodding their head, yes.
Everything you've said at it feels like I need to forgive and kind of decide what it is that I want. I think ultimately you're probably going to decide that you do want to be in relationship with her but it's worth asking the question and really sitting with it. Yeah, yeah. And the forgiveness work, there's always it's, it's sort of, I don't know, esoteric if that's the right word, but there's always the three. The three bodies, there's the other person, that's one body. There's me, myself and I, in this situation, that's you. That's really the second body and then the third body is the relationship that exists between the two of them. But I'm referring to it as a body because it's, it has its own energetic field. So it's like when you're doing that particular thing where it's like, okay, I forgive her for XYZ. Now I'm going to forgive the relationship that I've been for a while now, the way that I wanted to warn you for not behaving the way that I wanted to follow up with everything. Right. And it's heartbreaking when there's, you know, the nieces and nephews involved. It's not just your sister, the whole family's involved in one way or another, you know, whether they're talking or not. It is, it's a lot better than a parse through.
Dreaming of dead family members
Connie 10:38
Yeah, it is. Not heard it that anyway. Yeah. I just have to think I just have to sit with it longer. But it's, I think that I am going to end up doing something because I think about my sister every day. I know that something's going to happen. Because I don't think that I'm going to be able to just like, think about this every day and not do something about it. So and I think it's gonna it's, I know, it's going to fall to me that I'm going to do the one. Now, it's interesting. That one of the first students who said that forgiveness of her is key. When it comes to that decision, that was her decision to right now. It wasn't like, so that that was really powerful. That was very helpful, actually. Good. Yeah. So, okay.
This is, this is more, maybe an observation that a question that maybe you can kind of, give me some insight on it. So I don't know if this happened. I don't know if this happened during the pandemic, or happened when I when I did my first reading with you, or before my first reading just before my first reading, but I started, I have had, like, what I call them visitations. But in my dreams, I've had this patients from mostly family members who have passed my mother, my father a little bit, but more my mother, and then my younger brother passed away seven years ago. And they would show up in my dreams, most of my mother and my younger brother. And then I had a reading with you. And my father showed up, which was unusual, because he didn't, he showed up in the reading with a very powerful message for me, which was totally unexpected. And, and then he started showing up in my dreams or. And then my older eldest brother passed away this last past fall. And he hasn't shown up in my dreams. And my other family members have kept showing up. I was curious about that. It's like where’d everybody go? Right. I mean, are they like, you know, are they busy? You know, my older brother showed up, and they're all like, busy. No.
How spirit communicates with the physical world
Amy Hageman 13:34
That's, that's a great question. Thank you for sharing my experience about your father, I'm so glad you're, you know, to know that and to know that, then he was showing it for you after. So there's, there's lots to unpack about this question. So one thing is, it's actually really hard for spirit to communicate with us during the physical world, which is why mediums have a job. And so some, and just like an Earth, we all go to the other side and have different skills and different ways that we'd like to communicate. And so some people are really good at showing up in dreams and some art.
In the case of your dad, once, once there was established or reestablish a different level of connection, then it was easier for him to come through. Because you had had a very intimate conversation essentially, when we had our reading, so that like it established this different vibrational frequency and he was able to come through easier. So that's one element of what's happening. Another element is and I'm feeling so vaguely saying this, like I'm my body. I'm just doing so much joy. Your family's having a great time since your older brother passed. So I'm so sorry for your loss, but they're on the other side, just going oh, like it's a party over here. feels to me and I'm getting this, psychically, I'm not talking to them right now I'm just seeing it. from an outside perspective, I see your older brother and your dad becoming buddies and a new way on the other side. Oh, and everybody around is so in love with that, that healing in that growth and that like sort of bromance, I'll call it. That they're, they're all they are, they're celebrating his return, essentially. So, way to go you for being so intuitive.
And then the other thing that I will say that is an interesting dynamic that doesn't get talked a lot about with mediumship is mediumship is all energy and vibration, and that changes with the moon and the stars and all the planets. And so sometimes we'll have seasons of life where we receive more of that connection. And then we'll have seasons of life where we receive less. So it's even possible that they've been coming to you and it's just been harder to pick up on it. I don't actually get the sense of what's happening, I get the sense that they've been coming left, because they're enjoying all the growth that's happening amongst the family since your brother passed. Amongst the I'll say the family on the other side, since your brother passed is like they're partying and I the only word I keep coming back to the word bromance, or your brother and your dad. Like they're, they're working on creating, or they're building this buddy buddy relationship in a new way that everybody is gathering around and celebrating. And it's interesting, because I know you said that your younger brother had passed years before. And I keep waiting to see them kind of as a trio. But that's not really how it's representing like, I feel like I see your older brother with your dad. And then I see your dad with younger brother and I see your younger brother with your older brother. It feels like they're all having these relationships. And it's all happy. And they're aware of what everybody else is doing and celebrating. So they haven't been visiting as much there.
The other thing that's happening is because you've been going through a period of kind of want to say grief, I also want to say like despondency, with your sister, your emotional vibration, it has a harder time connecting, because you're in a period of grief. And that's, that's normal. That's not a problem. That's nothing to be, you know, worried about? So and the, you didn't specifically ask this, but in case it's a part of your question is they will come back. It's not forever. It's just a season. Mm. Yeah. And that's amazing that you are such a great dreamer. And that your family is so good at coming in through dreams, because most of the people I talked to, they maybe have one or two dreams here and there or they maybe have had one or two experiences of some kind here and there. So how beautiful that your family is still well connected.
Connie 18:25
Yeah, only in my dreams. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I say I dream of dead people. End dogs. Oh, have I also dreamed of deceased animals from time to time. And I'll say this with my own loved ones and dreams. It has evolved over time. So much like you're describing like, it used to always be my mom. And then my dad started coming through. I have some grandparents that were with me for years after they passed and then they stopped coming around. Recently, I had one grandparent who I thought was never going to be interested in media who's now been coming around a lot and I don't really understand the why or the timing, but these things just changed. Yeah, it's been very, it's really only been a few very immediate family members. Well, and also I've had friends and people, you know, very close to me a few, a few people and just very, very casual, nonchalant dreams, you know, nothing. earth shattering or anything like that.
Amy Hageman 20:00
No. Yeah, just like, yeah, shopping and then they are in the belt section.
Connie 20:07
Yeah. And sometimes there's a message there. Like with my dad, it's been since since that reading with you that my dad has been more because the message I got from you at the time, but that reading was you I carry my pain and anger. And she gives it anger. And that's how he's shown up in my dreams.
Amy Hageman 20:39
You take my pain?
Connie 20:43
Yeah, that's been very powerful. Yeah, that was really something when you told me that.
Amy Hageman 20:53
What a beautiful soul. I'm so glad that he continued to show up for you. That's so wonderful. And I'm so thrilled that you're my first reading to go on the podcast because I feel like it just proves for people that you can continue to heal relationships, even though someone has passed.
Connie 21:13
Well as what you said, what you relayed about my older brother passing and having a bromance with my father is they they had did not have a good relationship with right when they were alive. So you know, I don't think my father knew what to do with my brother, because my brother didn't do what my father wanted him to do. And so it was. And he was the oldest things there. So the fact that my father is delighted to see him and they're now they're going to have a good relationship. Because, again, the last reading, well, the only reading I had from you was that my father did a lot of work on himself on the other side. And so now he's able to have a good relationship with my brother. I mean, that it's like this beautiful, that's so wonderful, that that's what's happening now that my brother has passed. And this is what he is that you know, encountering, and my father was there to welcome to the visit can heal that relationship, that earthly relationship. So that really, really warms my heart to hear that. No, and it actually, it actually resonate with something I was told by another medium after my younger brother passed was, she said, she saw my mother and my father, and it's just that they are very happy.
Amy Hageman 23:00
This is your mother is very happy to have your younger brother back. She knows that you're sad. But she's very happy for herself.
Connie 23:11
So true, because he was her favorite. So she was probably really happy to have him back.
Amy Hageman 23:20
Oh, man, this favorite. Well, and it's so interesting. The and on the one hand, time doesn't happen for them the way it happens for us. And so there's not necessarily impatience. On the other hand, it seems to me like they're always talking to us and we never hear them. It's got to be such a relief when we pass on and we can finally communicate with our loved ones more easily. Well, we've got a few more minutes left, so anything else I can help you with? Or your or your guides?
Why do we suffer?
Connie 23:58
Yeah, I have a question for you. So one of the one of the things that I struggle with is I have chronic pain, I have migraines and fibromyalgia but mostly migraines. And my question is, what is the purpose of chronic pain?
Amy Hageman 24:22
We're gonna rephrase it, it's essentially the same thing. I'm hearing the word suffering like what is the purpose of suffering? Isn't that a million dollar question?
Amy Hageman 24:39
Okay, so it has different purposes for different souls. So for some, and this is what your guides are saying. For some people, the purpose of chronic pain is to force them to find a connection with themselves like with their own power with their own I want to say conscious body as well as their spiritual body. Because you can't survive chronic pain without sort of being a mental warrior. For some people, it's learning that kind of mental resilience, emotional resilience. For some people, chronic suffering is about learning, compassion. And what's interesting about this is when we think about compassion, a lot of times we think about compassion towards others. But the ultimate lesson is compassion for self. So that's one of the gifts here. And for everybody, with everything, whether it's chronic pain, or the sister writing you out, like when, when life hands us things that we really don't want. It's like, learning how to have acceptance and non attachment to the worldly form is always going to be a lesson. Yeah, for us, specifically, it feels like it's mostly about having that self compassion and acceptance, I mean, the vibe that I get with you, it's like, I feel like if you didn't have this chronic pain, you would be doing 10 more things a day. Like, whether that's more lunches with friends or more work, like, it feels like it has slowed you down in some ways. And you're, and you're having to have compassion for yourself about that. And you're having to deal with your feelings of like, resentment of the pain, or like, feelings of my body's betraying me. And that's a lot to work through. And anytime we work through things like that, it elevates our soul, it increases our vibration, it increases the, like the character of our soul. Because you can't, you can't go through something like that and not be a change person.
Amy Hageman 27:29
And there's also for some people, there's, you know, the, there's the past life, whatever stuff. But that kind of context really isn't relevant. It's just, for whatever reason, this is what your soul set up to experience. And not everybody that gets handed a diagnosis has to live by that diagnosis their whole life. Miracles happen every day. And sometimes it's like, oh, well, I already got the lesson. So I'm done. But sometimes even once you get the lesson, you just still have to have the experience. And that's part of the, you know, the mysteries of the universe that hopefully, hopefully, we'll get the answers when we pass on.
Connie 28:19
I hope my family is waiting for me to tell me what, what the answers are.
Amy Hageman 28:26
Oh, man, I wish they could take that too. Could you take the physical baggage dad? Yeah. Let's just take this one too. Yeah, so I'm sorry, that's not a very clear, direct answer.
Amy Hageman 28:45
There are some experiences that it's hard to talk to because the living is so big.
Amy Hageman 29:02
Okay, well, anything else I can do before we wrap up?
Connie 29:07
I don't think so. That was fun. Wonderful.
Amy Hageman 29:12
Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast and I just had a lovely time reconnecting.
Connie 29:18
Yeah. Thank you, Amy. Yes, I appreciate it.
Amy Hageman 29:22
And we'll talk soon. Okay, okay. Bye bye.