The Unending Love of a Mother
When we think about the divine feminine archetype, mothers come to mind.
The way our mothers loved us as children creates our earliest and most lasting beliefs about God.
If you had a mother who was constantly patient, you were taught that God would always be there for you, patiently loving you through your process.
If you had a mother who seemed to withhold affirmation or affection, you’ve likely believed in a God that isn’t giving. Or, you’ve believed that you’re not worthy of God’s love.
How we interpret our Mother’s behavior varies, the beliefs we create based on those behaviors vary. But we all create beliefs about the way the world works based on how we were treated as young children.
Regardless of how awful or how wonderful our childhood was - our mothers never for one second stopped being a mother. No matter their role (biological, adoptive, maternal presence, etc.) the mothers in our lives never “unbecame” mothers. Once that is your role, it is always your role.
Once a mother, always a mother.
Mothering never really stops. Even after we die, we will continue to mother our children in some way.
The act of mothering is an expression of the divine feminine energy within us all.
But Mothering is also an act of the divine masculine. Mothers these days usually rely on their ability to harness both energies. The masculine gets stuff done. It sets direction. It protects. It defends. The feminine nurtures. It holds. It creates safe space.
All mothers have their own balance of energies. Some mothers love through doing, providing. Others love through hugs, affirmation, emotional availability.
There isn’t one right or wrong way to mother. But the act of mothering, of holding and caring for another - is divine feminine energy.
And if you had a less than perfect mother - join the club. All of humanity had a less than perfect mother. And that’s ok.
We often create our beliefs about God based on the way our mothers loved us as children.
If our mothers were attentive, caring, and showed us that they loved us unconditionally, we are likely to believe that God is also loving and forgiving. If our mothers were neglectful or abusive, we may grow up believing that God is also distant and uncaring.
Our early experiences with love shape our view of the world. Whether we realize it or not, our mothers are often our first introduction to the concept of a higher power. Our mothers are the first people to show us love, and this shapes the way we see the divine. Hopefully, we learn that we are loved no matter what, and this gives us the confidence to believe in a higher power that will always be there for us. Because of the love of our mothers, we develop a strong foundation of faith that can weather any storm.
It is often said that the job of a mother is never done, and this is certainly true when it comes to the unending love and care that a mother provides. After all, it is a natural instinct to mother.
Even after we die, we will continue to mother our children.
Our love our kids is everlasting, and we will always be there for them, even if we are no longer with them in a physical way. Our influence on our kids will continue long after we are gone. We can never truly know the impact we have on our children, our only certainty is that it will not be perfect.
But because our relationships never end, we don’t run out of opportunity to make amends. When we mess up, or even when we did our best but it wasn’t how we wanted it to be - we will always have time to correct. The relationship doesn’t end when someone dies, or when someone moves away.
Because we are all souls, first and foremost. And souls are designed to heal - there will always be healing. It may not be when you want it to be, but it will happen.
If you want to learn more about the profound love and connection between mothers and their children, I encourage you to check out my latest podcast episode, "A Story of Mothers." In it, I explore this topic by sharing a recent personal experience regarding mothers in various forms.