3 Reasons to Love Conflict

When we think about conflict, we often imagine negative scenarios with hurt feelings and damaged relationships. However, conflict can actually be a powerful tool for personal growth when approached in the right way.

Here are three reasons to love conflict:

1) Conflict provides a socially acceptable way to share your discontent

No more sweeping things under the rug. No more ignoring what isn’t working. Conflict provides a safe opportunity to address what’s going on.

We often downplay the stress of unresolved issues. We carry it in our bodies. We repress the frustration. We repeatedly take on the stress of ignoring a problem that needs solving.

By engaging in conflict purposefully - we’ve provided a socially acceptable way of voicing our discontent. (As opposed to losing our tempers at an inopportune time)

2) Conflict is an opportunity for leadership growth & spiritual mastery

Going through conflict calls us to our higher selves. We need to practice mindfulness, emotional processing, and generating compassionate, empathizing ideas. If these behaviors are not our normal routine, going through conflict will force us to practice the skills we need to master if we want to be effective lights in the world.

If you can take full advantage of the conflict - you’ll set the tone. You can set yourself up as being a leader with a vision. Those in conflict with a leader often leave feeling seen, and sometimes even inspired.

3) Conflict often leads to increased intimacy

Increased vulnerability shows bravery, and a willingness for things to improve - it's a leadership trait. And, vulnerability creates the space for others to meet us with gentleness and compassion (love).

By embracing conflict as an opportunity for growth, we can develop deeper relationships with others and ourselves. Through the process of conflict we are invited to get curious about the other, we inevitably learn more about the other party or about the situation itself.

By the time you’ve resolved a conflict, you’ve created a partnership with the other party. You’re partners in resolution. Even if this does not bring you emotional intimacy, it will bring you into alignment with the spiritual laws of the universe.

We are all designed to heal.

Conflict is often uncomfortable and challenging.

If we’re willing to evolve through the process, we’ll realize that we’re all on the same team.

PS - struggling with conflict? Join the .love membership before we start studying relationships and communication in June :)

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How to be Good at Conflict


The Unending Love of a Mother