Who is serving who?
This week, we discuss with Serafin how to build a relationship with deities. We explore how our ego and emotion often get in the way when listening to our intuition, and how allowing ourselves to trust another being with instruction can be a scary process. Additionally, we talk about how looking up information about any deities mentioned is helpful, too - as well as trusting the resonance within ourselves. Finally, we discuss our relationship with deities and how both parties serve the work of each other.
Allow yourself to listen to intuition and inner guidance.
Have faith that you have a spiritual support team of angels, deities, guides, and loved ones with great intention for your growth and journey.
Trust the resonance of any connection even if you don't remember it or know the story behind it.
To truly benefit from deity work, it is necessary to be willing to invest in learning more about those energies and build a relationship with them.
Your spiritual team is here to serve the expansion of your soul and the collective of the universe.