

Let’s discuss the power of forgiveness and how it can transform your life. This week we explore how to use journal entries to forgive past experiences and how simply allowing yourself to forgive can help you become free from the burdens of your past. We also examine how physical movement can be used as a ritual to seal the healing process and how space clearing can help you embody the new beliefs that come with forgiveness.


  • Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal transformation, allowing you to start fresh without the burdens of your past.

  • Journaling can be used to forgive past experiences, and physical movement can help you further embody new beliefs associated with forgiveness.

  • Going somewhere else after forgiving yourself or someone else symbolizes leaving old beliefs behind and embracing the new self born through this process of healing and growth. 

  • Clearing space energetically when returning home allows for an atmosphere that reflects peace and alignment with those changes made in one's life journey through forgiveness. 

  • It is possible to be liberated from the pain of our stories by choosing forgiveness on our paths toward personal development and growth.


The integration phase of the forgiveness process is vital to ensure a transformation of lasting impact. After journaling and forgiving any unresolved wounds or negative beliefs, it is vital to physically acknowledge this shift in energy by engaging with one's environment. Taking a walk, swimming, or driving somewhere new allows the body to release excess tension and fully embody the new energy. Once you have returned home, clearing out any residual energies that may be lingering in your space is essential. This can involve lighting incense, using a diffuser, playing high-frequency gongs, or dancing with open windows.


Integrating health


Energetic Integration