Healing circumstantial wounds


Discover how to release old beliefs and uncover new ones. This week addresses the issue of how to let go of deeply-rooted beliefs to make room for growth, transformation, and healing. This process involves recognizing and acknowledging our energy fields and understanding how our emotions can arise when our energies shift. 


  • Identify your beliefs to get familiar with your energy field.

  • Allow the unknown to be known and spend longer on this process if necessary.

  • Let go of old beliefs that may no longer serve you. 

  • Anxiety could be Spirit trying to communicate a belief system that needs healing.

  • Allow yourself the time and space for personal development, as it is an important journey.


Take at least 10 minutes today to reflect on any beliefs you must let go of. Make sure that you allow yourself enough time and space for this process. Reach out if you experience difficulty in doing so, as it can be a highly emotional exercise. The .love community is very supportive. Remember that personal development is an important journey, and you deserve to nurture yourself holistically.


Healing past life and unidentified wounds


Healing generational and familial wounds