How can I help?


  • I do not answer questions to things you already know

    • Ex: What’s my middle name?

  • I answer questions to help you gain clarity

    • Ex: What is my purpose in life?

    • Ex: Why is life so hard?

    • Ex: What do my guides/angels want me to know about my love life?

    • Ex: What do my guides/angels want me to know about my business?

  • The more specific the question, the more helpful the answer.

    • If you need to give me background data before you ask the question, please do so! For example, if you’re asking a question about someone’s health and that person has an autoimmune disease or cancer, etc., share that information before you ask the question.

  • Asking questions about others is an option but must be done so out of love.

    • Example of a question I will NOT answer: Why is my boss such a jerk?

    • Example of a question I will answer: I’m having a hard time with my boss, I don’t like the way he treats me. What can I do to change the relationship?

  • I’m here to help!

    • Submit questions every month to get the most value of out of your membership

    • If you need more clarity or instruction about the types of questions you can ask, email me: