0:28 - What is going on with my oldest son and how can I best help him be happy and thrive? Will his counselor be able to help him?
5:33 - I feel like there is a block or a karmic lesson I keep repeating over and over when it comes to money. How can I clear this up and have an abundant experience with money? I am ready to open the floodgates!
8:42 - What do my angels/guides want me to know for my higher good at this point in my journey?
10:53 - I have come across 2 messages that I feel are a message. Don’t let someone hold you back, if they are hindering your grow you have to move on. Is that a message for me and is that about my husband?
11:37 - I have been trying to communicate with the angels, are they able to hear me or do I have to do something different?
13:24 - What do my guides advise for a deeper, more loving relationship w// my aging (demanding, critical) mother-in-law? I want to be more fully present and supportive of her journey and its challenges, yet I am sometimes defensive and so resentful of her disapproval of my life’s choices.
20:45 - Do I need to delve deeper into my feelings of loss and sadness surrounding the death of my sister or have I accepted her choice, knowing that she’s safe and happy? I’m afraid I’m shutting myself off from my feelings of grief.
23:49 - How can I stop feeling so terrified about living my spiritual truth? Why am I so afraid to be authentic and open about my beliefs and interest in angels, spirit guides, channeling, mediumship, etc.? I want to be brave and authentic.
31:12 - The channeled writing I do is very specific advice and information specific to my life. Will it benefit others to put it online? Should I post what I receive that’s addressed to me or channel something separate just to post online?
33:07 - How can I best assist my new grandson (Hunter) to know and grow in spiritual understanding? I want to help foster his trust and faith. Who are HIS guides and angels?
34:52 - A client has decided it's make or break year on one of their locations and has hired me to help turn things around and save the business. Any direction from my angels? My intuition is that more opportunities will grow for the company once the location morphs into something new, so I'm having trouble giving it my best shot at success under the current company/branding.
39:24 - Any guidance on finding an 'angel investor' or grant to fund my somatic studies and children in nature curriculum?
40:38 - Is our world on the edge of collapse? Things seem so very tenuous and uncertain, here and worldwide, in terms of economies, our environmental disasters and wars. How can I help restore peace and balance in our world?
47:14 - Are trees sentient? I’m feeling such a strong connection to the trees around our home.
47:58 - My son has a current obsession with cash, & I’m wondering what this is related to and how to best support it positively so he doesn't have money issues as he grows older.
50:54 - How can I quickly acquire some extra money to pay off some debt?
52:10 - What do my angels/guides want me to know about my love life/or lack there of?
54:24 - What ‘allergies’ should I clear to serve my business mission & growth?
55:27 - Recently I had a dream or maybe an actual intuitive experience where I felt like I tapped into another realm. During the night, my third eye tingled, my body vibrated, and I could hear messages but had trouble making sense of them. Any insight into what this experience was?