
0:01:36 - What do I need to know to make 2023 the expansive, most healthy, abundant year I envision for myself?

0:04:16 - What am I missing? I know my guides have been communicating with me and I feel as though I am not receiving the message. I believe that we are presented with people and situations as a means of learning and releasing traumas and based on my emotional responses to my current situation, I am missing something. My heightened state/response does not match what is currently happening. What am I not getting/understanding?

0:11:02 - Is my baking idea a good one to pursue right now?

0:11:53 - During my assessment the facilitator saw a baby around me, any indication of who that was or the significance?0:17:17Why is this current situation/people so challenging and triggering for me? I have a feeling it is to help me process past life trauma: I did not have a voice, no one listened and when i spoke up I was killed. Is this situation an opportunity for me to release that and find my voice? Are the people involved karmic-ally connected to me, what is the connection?

0:22:49 - What do I need to know for my highest good?

0:25:54 - You know we've had trouble with our dog. He's suddenly super anxious and he's always been very clingy. He's started chewing when we're gone and has to be crated. Overall we're super disappointed with him and his personality/breed as terrible as that sounds. I've had and loved many great Danes, and now David and I are considering getting a dane puppy. Would this help Ollie and his seeming loneliness? Danes are known for their chill and easygoing personalities. We'd love a dog that can hang around outside with all the neighbors and kids. Thanks for any help!!

0:28:06 - Family gatherings have been a challenge lately. Various family members irritated with each other, conflicts with the stress of various ADHD behaviors with additional strain on mom trying to chase family tradition that has been lost with death and divorce. I feel like there is always a looming dark cloud and pressure on everyone - and the last few holiday gatherings have been strained. It makes me want to bow out, if the conflict is only there when we all are together, and meet up with my parents later to avoid the tension. However, I also feel like that might add insult to injury with my mother and oldest son who seem to be tethered into chasing the past but don't really care or see the impacts to me - and there is only so much I can do to live up to expectations of a perfect that no longer exists. Any advice on whether I should try to avoid the gatherings and give some space or if that just will make things worse?

0:29:56 - I think I connected with another guide in a meditation but, I am not sure because he looks like a character in a book I am reading. Did I connect with another guide or make him up? If he is a guide, what is his name and his role in my group of guides? Why did he chose to show himself to me now?

0:33:48 - What do my guides want me to know and do about caring for my aging Mother-in-Law? Not so much her physical needs, but her emotional ones. She's very lonely and depressed, becoming more and more needy. She has isolated herself, rejected joining Community Center Groups. I don't want to be her Best Friend, entertaining her, including her in all my social plans, etc. She resists efforts to help her make new friends. I'm exhausted and beginning to feel resentful, and I know this doesn't bode well for the future, as she ages.

0:37:18 - Is developing my abilities as a trance medium worth pursuing?

0:39:35 - ArchAngel Michael- does he have a message for my highest good?

0:40:34 - I was expecting an early offer to medical school last week, and didn't get it. I will know for sure in March, but I'm struggling with feeling despondent about it. Is this my year, or do I have to apply again next year most likely?

0:43:17 - I have not been doing my writing lately, but I have been focused on connecting with my Spirit Team more directly as I go about my day. Am I successfully connecting with them? Am I receiving information from them? Should I get back to writing more?

0:44:06 - We got my son a car for Christmas. (By the way, it looks almost exactly like the car I put on my vision board in January!) Is he ready for the responsibility of driving? Will he be safe? I am excited for him but also nervous about his safety.

0:45:34 - Tell me about Jeff’s dad and brother. Should we move his dad to Vegas sooner? Is his brother going to be okay by himself in San Diego or should he come to Vegas too?

0:48:46 - I am open to anything and everything the universe and my guides have to communicate with me. Any info you get is awesome! I appreciate you Amy!!!!

0:51:41 - Why do all of our appliances keep breaking?? My husband says our good vibrations are too high and they are shorting out our electronics. But I wonder if it is related to the answer to one of my questions last month about my vibration getting really high and then I am not able to sustain it so it drops back down and less desirable things happen. What is the cause of everything breaking and what can I do to stop the cycle?

0:53:44 - Prior to coming to this lifetime did I sign up to lose a child? If so, why?

0:58:08 - What I can do for myself and for others?

0:59:10 - I’ve not been feeling great. Is there something physically wrong with me? I so, what?

0:59:43 - My birth mother I never saw or communicated with after age 5 She has since transitioned I am wondering how she is now and if her life was a happy one ? Any communication from her would be great

1:01:23 - Angel guidance regarding my sibling lawsuit of my Moms estate . She passed in April and currently there is distrustful Behaviors regarding accepting the executor ( my sister) of the estate I am trying to stay neutral what is my role?

1:03:43 - My biggest fear revolves around the loss of my spouse. While he's not currently ill, I have a strong sense of his leaving this plane. How can I best achieve peace around his departure? What do I need to do to support his path?

1:07:26 - With my upcoming trip to Zion for Somatics I’d love any insight for that trip.



