What do PAST LIVES and CARS have in common?
They both came up several times in this month’s raffle readings!
As always, browse through the questions, watch only what calls to you.
0:52 What are the best avenues of service for me to fulfill my purpose of mothering and nurturing?
2:22 What do I need to know for my highest good about my two priorities my consulting business and home renovation/transformation?
5:39 I feel I am going through a growth period. I have been a hermit all month & isolating by choice. Is this a recharge period or am I just depressed?
8:17 Is it for my highest good at this time to work with a Bioenergetic Therapist to work on my Soul Healing, I am very interested but is a big monetary investment?
9:41 It hurts to see my mother in such mental anguish. How can I comfort her and help her find peace?
13:45 Which “self-care” practices that I’m doing now are bringing me closer to my vision and which ones can I let go of?
16:30 I have a recurring dream scenario where I am driving a car and hitting the brake but I can’t control the car or make it stop. Sometimes it’s because I can’t reach the pedal. Is this some kind of metaphor for life or is it possible that this inability to control a car was a cause of death for me in a previous life?
20:30 My sweet rescue dog was found on the street, starving, when he was a little puppy. What were the circumstances of his birth and how did he end up on the street?
22:13 What does spirit say about my circumstances right now?
24:20 What are the best avenues of thought and deed for me to become more enlightened?
26:23 What do I need to know for my highest good in 2022?
28:46 How can I get over my fear of getting it by a car?
30:42 I have been 100% focused on learning to interact with my angels and loved ones across the veil lately. Sometimes I wonder if they “see” me when I’m doing embarrassing and awkward human things like going to the bathroom, etc. I made up a mental “blackout curtain” that I put up sometimes. If a thought of them accidentally pops into our head will they then automatically be aware of us or do our angels and loved ones just know when we want privacy from their loving presence?
33:30 How can I help or accept my sons weight, he has struggled for 10 years with no success.
37:55 I need help with a personal affirmation for 2022. What do my angels say?
39:04 I love my job! Will I continue working there for many more years to come while I still pursue other passions that my soul is calling me towards?
39:27 If our souls are meant to continuously grow and evolve, why don’t we remember lessons from past lifetimes?
43:48 What in particular do I need to focus on and practice more to better receive direct communications from my angels and loved ones from across the veil?
45:02 The surprise monarch caterpillars and chrysalises under my care. Any significant lesson or purpose for them? (Besides that it has been magical!)
47:48 Is my vision of moving to a new location sometime this year accurate and is it the correct decision for all concerned? When and how will estranged relationships be healed?
48:11 When and how will estranged relationships be healed?
50:02 How can I handle the aging process better?
54:47 My angels always let me know they are with me by sending me combinations of 7 and 11's. Lately these numbers have been "shouting" at me to get my attention. Is there a deeper message they are trying to give me?
57:18 If it’s our spirit guides/angels guiding us through life, what role does god/source/divine energy play in how we live our lives?