Healing what hurts the most

Often our pain points are unidentified. They become the air we breath. We assume gravity will keep us to the ground, and we assume we will never be worthy of unconditional love (for example).

A psychic reading with your spirit guides and angels can help you to identify your pain points and begin to release them.

A reading can be as simple as which toothpaste you should use, and as deep as how to let go of the wounds you've carried for as long as you can remember.

We can never predict what we will learn in a reading - but we will always be told whatever it is we most need to hear.

Ā Connecting with loved ones


I have been told many times by clients that they were surprised how much healing they received from their mediumship reading.

I cannot guarantee who will come through and what they will share. But I promise you that your loved ones haven't left you. You are more connected than you know.

Schedule a Reading

Interested in a joint reading with your guides and an astrologer?

You can schedule a reading with Suzanne Platner and I! Not only will Suzanne offer the guidance of your soul's blueprint by assessing your birth chart, but your guides and angels will add their perspective and be available to answer questions.

Can you imagine having your guides present to help you understand yourself on such a deep level?!Ā 

Check it out...

Listen & learn about working with Spirit

Want to do a meditation challenge?

These meditations average 8-10 minutes. They are designed to be listened to in order, but it is not necessary.

Once you purchase you have lifetime access.

Need to meditate AND get a reading?

This bundle includes the 40-day meditation journey and gives you a $30 discount on a 45-minute reading with me.

Lots of love for your journey!