How do you feel?
Get Moving
These emotions are always moving, whether it's anger or passion - do not get in their way! Fiery emotions are often about survival and creation, but given unconscious reign, they can run wild and wreak havoc. It takes a lot of energy to light a fire, its natural to be self-centered in these emotions. But everyone loves a fire when it’s cold out.
Slow & Steady On
Who doesn't love to stand atop a mountain and feel the accomplishment of the climb? While earthy emotions can feel pleasurable and grounded, providing us with the safety of a reliable foundation, they can also be self-righteous and thus withdrawn. Don't be fooled, earthy emotions are much more humble than they seem.
Expand & Evolve
The emotions are light and energetic, imagine the vast electrical pulse of a new idea, or the whimsical breath of a memory. At worst, air emotions can be disembodied and disconnected, but without their energy and perspective you'd lose access to consciousness itself. Without access to the perspective of air we cease to evolve and the other elements are left to their unconscious patterns.
Feel & Flow
These emotions are not simply the sensitivities we feel, consider the power of floods and hurricanes. How interesting that our most subtle and sensitive emotions can also be the most powerful. These emotions are highly intuitive and therefore require our attention, but if you do not know how to contain water...well, you should come take the class.