The Power of Mediumship: Navigating Difficult Times with Compassion and Understanding
Jul 04, 2023
In this episode of Living Out Love, we will explore how to support those going through difficult times - from understanding the power of compassionate listening to respecting autonomy. Through this live mediumship reading with guest Lori, you will gain insight into meaningful stories and challenges that keep us from getting what we want out of life. We’ll also discuss sabotaging behaviors, how we get in our own way sometimes, and the power of finding alignment in our passion. Get ready for an inspiring conversation about understanding and respecting our journeys!
- Take a step back when someone you care about is struggling, and give them the space they need.
- Offer support in general terms to show that you are available without being too overbearing or pushing an agenda on them.
- Addiction can be a symptom of more significant issues, not just the problem itself.
- It can be helpful for anyone to have access to therapy or life coaching should they choose it - but don't try to push it onto someone else if they aren't receptive, as this may create further barriers between you.
- It's important to remember that everyone can make their own decisions and should be respected even if those decisions differ from what we would do ourselves.
- How to Have a Good Mediumship Reading
- Tina Zion Books about Medical Intuition
- Schedule a Reading
- Free Healing Meditation
Amy Hageman 00:08
All right, Miss Lori, we are recording. So where should we begin?
Lori 00:13
Well, I think I'd like to ask Amy, if there's anybody on the other side, you might level instead of past that have any messages for me?
Amy Hageman 00:21
Sure. Let's see. It's funny. I have I have somebody new here new to me. Okay. This is interesting. And your mom hasn't passed? Correct? Correct. You got her but cuz it feels feminine. I would have said this. This to me feels more like an ant. Okay, energy. So I had to guess I would say this would be like your dad, sister. Okay. So here, okay. Whoever this is an I don't know, it feels like an ant energy. It could also do a mentor type energy. Okay. But I, she's tickling me, which is funny to the last. Last reading. I did. There was a tickling sensation. But I feel like I just want to laugh with her. Yeah, like, I have a giant smile on my face. You can't see me because we're on the phone, but I cannot stop smiling. Okay. And I don't know if she's tickling me, because she's tickling me or she's tickling because she wants me to have this smile on my face. So I have this just and, yes, it doesn't. It's not the answer. It's still alive. It's okay. Somebody that's clearly passed on. So do you know who I'm talking about that? How do I know?
Lori 01:49
It's actually my mother's aunt. Her name's Aunt Florence.
Amy Hageman 01:55
Florence. Oh, I love it.
Amy Hageman 01:59
Yeah. Yes. I'm just so happy. Yeah. Big smile on my face. You should smile more young lady. Also, this sort of you should be smiling more Don't be such a sourpuss.
Lori 02:16
Yeah, yeah, it's funny,
Amy Hageman 02:21
which is funny because me knowing you as a me, I'm like, I wouldn't call you a sourpuss. But
Lori 02:27
you know, it's funny, because I was just talking to her daughter, my second cousin. Last night we were talking about her. So it's very interesting that she's here. I mean, it's not interesting if it makes sense to me, but yes, yes.
Amy Hageman 02:43
Don't get me started on my daughter. I can talk for ages about her.
Lori 02:52
Oh my gosh, that's so funny. That's so funny. Because they had a very interesting relationship for sure. Yeah. Yes.
Amy Hageman 02:58
For sure. They could write about it.
Lori 03:01
Amy Hageman 03:02
Just please don't don't tell her daughter to write a book about it. But there could be a book about it. She.. she wanted to come through as a bit of a surprise to kind of lighten things up. And just because it's it's fun that she hasn't connected with you before. You know, been gone for a while. Your mother is so stubborn. goodness.
Lori 03:27
We have she needs it. This is a this is a topic I wanted to talk to..
Amy Hageman 03:36
And think she can't be more stubborn?
Lori 03:39
I know. It's time she said she's, she's deteriorated so much. It's so painful for you to see her.
Amy Hageman 03:49
Yeah. She says just stop seeing her then.
Lori 03:52
Amy Hageman 03:53
Your mother she's just gonna hold on till her toenail falls off.
Amy Hageman 03:58
I mean, she's just on she's gonna fight it till the very end. Every time even on the other side. They keep thinking okay, now, it's not funny, but it's funny. Okay, this is gonna be the day and your mom's like Nope. Why is she afraid to die? There's there's definitely a lot of fear. And now I think in her delusional state, she's a little bit convinced that she's not going to I mean, when she's delusional when she's not part of her that thinks she's not going to she's just going to fight it. Part of it she's afraid. Okay, this is interesting. Is it bill or Bob remind me of your... for since this for the podcast. We'll say this is your mom's husband. Yes. On the other side. Bob is coming through and saying she's scared that she won't see me. That like like that we won't be together.
Lori 05:02
So maybe if I tell her he's there waiting for her that will help her.
Amy Hageman 05:07
It won't help a lick you can try. It's stuck and I felt she is all in her mind. And it's very hard to tell her anything. Yeah. Before she was delusional, but it's like it's even more true when she's not lucid. You can't tell her anything.
Lori 05:29
I know. And sometimes she'll just look at me like so intensely. I don't know if it's anger. I don't know if it's, but she, her body is just giving up. She is so painfully thin. She's getting terrible bedsores. You talk about a toenail falling off her fingernails about to fall off on her right hand because it's become so swollen and infected because her heart's not beating properly anymore.. it's getting to the point where it's painful for her. She's become so stiff, you can't really move her much... And I just, I mean, I am having a problem. I will tell you this with other family members, who I feel like have abandoned her. And I know they just like my cousin who I was talking with the aunt the cancer. She started crying. She said, I know I should come to see her. But I can't bear to my sister won't go see her. My daughter. I just and I'm angry. And I'm really trying hard. Like, I need some help with forgiveness. Or I feel you know why I'm angry Amy? Cause it's always me that's the one.
Amy Hageman 06:40
Yeah, but you're doing that to yourself.
Lori 06:43
Yeah, I am aren't I?
Amy Hageman 06:45
You're choosing to go? And Florence says what good is it doing your mom when people go see her? Probably nothing. Doesn't do anything. Yeah. So what everybody else is doing is they're taking care of themselves.
Lori 07:00
And I'm not am I?
Amy Hageman 07:01
You're not taking care of yourself. And for some people taking care of themselves would include seeing her some of the time and for some people it wouldn't... And it's not likely that it's going to make any big difference because your mom is so stubborn. But if anything you not seeing her might help speed it along.
Lori 07:26
Okay. Okay, does she not remember me? At this point? I'm not sure if she does.
Amy Hageman 07:36
Oh...most of the time. It's like I'm in her body. And I see you and I, I feel angry that I should know who you are. But I don't know who you are. So it causes me to feel angry and confused.
Lori 07:49
Amy Hageman 07:50
So if you're picking up on anger from her, that's very real, but it's not poured on at you. It's because it's because she feels like she should know.
Lori 08:04
Amy Hageman 08:04
Some of the time she knows, but that's less often. Yeah.
Lori 08:10
This is just so hard. This is this has been such a long drawn out process, and I'm just..
Amy Hageman 08:15
So long. Oh, my gosh, she could have died a long time ago.
Lori 08:19
Yeah, it's just, I mean,
Amy Hageman 08:23
you're Aunt Florence says just don't go. Just don't go. Maybe go one more time. And just tell her if you want to, if you want to be in pain, if you're not willing to leave. That's your choice. I can't bear to see you in pain. So I've come to say goodbye.
Lori 08:41
Amy Hageman 08:42
If you want to go and do that, and then go and do that, and then just wait till you get the call. Got it? I know.
Lori 08:52
I don't I feel I don't. I feel like she feels like she's abandoned. And I don't want her to feel that way. And that just could be me...?
Amy Hageman 09:03
Yeah, that's your projection. If you were hurt, you would feel abandoned. Mm hmm. Even that people are abandoning her but she's not aware. Anyway. Okay. And it feels very much like, even when, even when she's lucid enough to hear people say, "your loved ones, they're waiting. It's gonna be lovely. You're gonna meet God, you're gonna be with Jesus," like whatever it is. People would say to her, she resents them for it. You know? No,
Lori 09:38
Yeah, I believe that and that's where I get that angry. Look, she gives you that angry look. Yeah, like
Amy Hageman 09:44
and so it's, you know, it's just it's not, it's not a great it's not a great situation. So Florence says she's gonna die whenever her body finally gives up. You going isn't gonna make a difference either way. Best case scenario, she'll know who you are, and she'll resent you. Worst case scenario, she won't know who you are, and it won't matter. You know, it's like it's not abandonment, given her state of mind, and given her resolve, she doesn't really care what anybody else thinks.
Lori 10:31
No, she really doesn't.
Amy Hageman 10:33
So it's not abandonment, she's gonna do this her way.
Lori 10:39
I just don't want her to be in pain and just feel like she's suffering now. That's hers, right?
Amy Hageman 10:48
It's just like, you know, I, I drink alcohol or wine on occasion. And the next morning, I have a headache. And people are like, Why did you drink the alcohol? And I'm like, because I wanted to. It's the same thing. On a much larger scale.
Lori 11:07
Amy Hageman 11:08
Yeah. That's free will. And that's, that's her choice.
Lori 11:11
Oh, ah, I wonder what I'm supposed to be learning through this. There has to be I feel in this. I'm going to open up this to a broader question, but I feel like I've lost so many people in my life. I wonder what's the purpose of that? In what am I supposed to learn from that? I believe I chose this for a reason. But I also feel like maybe I'm meant to be alone in this lifetime, because that's what it feels like.
Amy Hageman 11:44
Oh, heavens. Sorry! Your Aunt Florence! She's like, "Oh, get a grip!" "People come and go," this is Florence it just like "people are fish in the sea". You know? That's, that's, that's your aunt Florence's perspective. Your angels have a similar take on it. They they say, yes, you have experienced a lot of loss. And you live in a world of infinite possibility. And so it's about choosing and being in alignment and maybe for you in this lifetime. Rather than thinking of it as I'm meant to be alone. It could be more of, okay, I have I have very intense meaningful relationships, and not all of them last forever.
Lori 12:42
Yeah. Yeah.
Amy Hageman 12:44
You know, whether that's because someone died or somebody left or whatever. It's not that, that you don't have healthy relationships. It's just that you, some of them have been shorter than you would have chosen.
Lori 12:57
Right. Oh that's for sure.
Amy Hageman 13:02
You're not meant to be alone. Your aunt Florence is rolling her eyes. She's like "oh come on"
Lori 13:07
oh, my gosh, you have her energy. You have her energy. I'm cracking up. She's like, you know, she's kind of like little Spitfire, too, you know?
Amy Hageman 13:19
She's got a bit of that sass for sure.
Lori 13:20
Amy Hageman 13:23
Plus, you're cute as a button. Put your pushup bra on, put on a little red lipstick.
Lori 13:33
Amy Hageman 13:34
That's, that's her. I don't know, if you own a push up bra. That's your I just want to be clear. Amy Hageman isn't telling you to do that. But, you know, your aunt says, Just get a grip. It's not about meant to be alone. It's just about... you're waiting for the right thing.
Lori 13:52
Okay. Okay.
Amy Hageman 13:54
You have chosen as a soul, you have chosen that your next relationship is going to be the last relationship like in terms of a romantic partner. Yeah. You don't want to have two or three romantic partners. You want to have one?
Lori 14:08
Amy Hageman 14:09
And you're waiting for the right one for the right timing for the right one. And it's not... It's not a sign that you're meant to be alone. It's just that we're waiting for things to fall in place. And again, just to remind you. Your mom's gotta die first.
Lori 14:28
Yeah, no,
Amy Hageman 14:29
I don't want to be so casual about it. But you and I have had this conversation before the podcast listeners have not. But you know, you're not going to be able to separate yourself from her fully. And you're gonna have to... she's going to transition you're gonna have some healing time. And then things will open up very differently.
Lori 14:53
Yeah. Yeah, I do believe that. I just... I just don't want her to be in pain. And I'm just praying that she goes peacefully when she does go.
Amy Hageman 15:07
And here's the thing about your mom. I mean, we're calling her stubborn because she is, but that kind of a soul that is that determined? That's a unique soul. Is it? Not that many people are so determined to stick to their guns, so to speak, to exist through all that pain over now, what is just something she decided months if not years ago. You know? Other people change their mind and been like, Oh, this isn't fun. I'm not doing it. So we don't understand your mom's rationale. But she decided and she's sticking with her decision. And she's tough. So the guides are saying, Excuse me, I said guides, this is your angels. Your angels are saying that, it won't be long before the two of you will be sort of celebrating her life. And honoring how cool it was that she was your mom. Yeah. And it's not that she was perfect. But like she is a really unique soul. And, you know, souls like her are like, kind of the Joan of Arc archetype.
Lori 16:37
Yeah. Oh my gosh, yeah. My mother. She just had this magic about her where she was so compassionate. So giving so selfless, so selfless. Really beautiful person. Really beautiful soul.
Amy Hageman 16:54
Yes. And, you know, it's, it's manifested itself in kind of an unhealthy way. We could say, its unhealthy. But that's fine. That's her choice. And she gave enough to everybody else her whole life. And if she wants to..if she wants to ride it out, she gets to ride it out. It is in no way abandoning her if you go see her less often. And she doesn't like it anyway.
Lori 17:25
Yeah, I mean when I go see he she doesn't like it?
Amy Hageman 17:31
Yeah, yeah. Not about you. Yeah. It's not about you at all. It's just about her experience in her body. Her experience of her passing. She doesn't want to be told what to do. She doesn't even want to be loved on. She's in her own world, and she wants to be in her own world. Until she's not. And that's okay. And it's gonna, you know, six months after she passes, or two, three days after she passes, we'll talk and it's gonna be really fascinating to see where she's at.
Lori 18:07
Yeah. Sure, will be. Oh, my goodness. Yes.
Amy Hageman 18:12
Yeah. But it's, it's like, and this is your angels, your angels really want to honor all of her souls decisions prior to this one? Yeah, you know, she's been amazing. And they want to release you of the idea that you are abandoning her, also, so that you can release others from your judgments of them? They are just taking care of themselves. I know.
You're very helpful.
Amy Hageman 18:46
If your mother was more lucid. It would be different. It would be different. But or if she wanted people to visit her, she responded differently to people visiting her it would be different. Given her response, it's like there's very little value in people going to see her. It is only painful.
Lori 19:10
Yeah. That's very helpful.
Amy Hageman 19:14
And I keep saying that. I keep hearing this and I haven't wanted to say it. Let me make sure I know who's saying this. Yeah. This is your Aunt Florence it's like "stop being such a martyr."
Amy Hageman 19:24
[Laughing] Okay,
Amy Hageman 19:28
I kept thought being a martyr, but I kept hearing it at different times. For it's like surely this isn't her angels, you know?
Lori 19:36
Yeah. They're very, I needed to hear that. Yeah. Okay. Very helpful. Thank you. Yeah.
Amy Hageman 19:54
well, what else? What else?
Lori 19:59
Okay, here Here's on a happier note, I'm really, really being pulled, or told or feeling that my instinct has been going on for a while that I need to change my vocation. And I'm really being pulled towards the healing arts. I have a very strong desire to help people. And I don't really know what venue this is going to take, whether it's through energy work, or life coaching, or through yoga, or through healing on horses, but...
Amy Hageman 20:37
I want you to be open to what I'm about to say, take a deep breath. And then I'm going to I'm going to tell you two words. And I want you to tell me, either your thoughts or how it feels in your body.
Lori 20:50
Amy Hageman 20:52
Medical intuition.
Lori 20:55
Yes, I feel that. Yeah. And I feel it. Medical intuition, more through emotional versus physical.
Amy Hageman 21:06
Yeah, I'm seeing you doing, like, it's still energy work. And it's still intuitive. Like it has that psychic element. But it's, it's like connecting... It's like I'm seeing you do a reading. And you're looking at somebody's body and you're going, "Oh, I see this energy that's stuck. And I feel like it's related to a trauma that happened when you were three." Yes. It's that sort of a conversation that allows those emotions to get out of our body?
Lori 21:37
Yes. That's what I feel.
Amy Hageman 21:42
That's, that's what your angels say is the most in alignment, you can do something else that would be also great also on paths that this would be the most in alignment option for you. I'm not as familiar with all the like, medical intuition people out there to tell you this. So you'll have to research that. Okay. I actually just started reading a medical intuition book. It's not something that I'm going to develop. But I started reading a book out of curiosity. So I'll send that to you. When we get off the call, because I don't remember the name of it, or the author right now. Yes, I do. I think it's Tina, Zion. And I think that's the name. I'll, I'll put it in the show notes for anybody curious. But yeah, I that's what I'm seeing you do medical intuition. And it is very much connecting. What I'm going to call stuck emotional energy. Or, yeah, that's the most accurate, emotional energy to physical symptom or experience.
Lori 22:53
How when I know what steps to take to start this path,
Amy Hageman 23:00
You're gonna start just by like reading, or Okay. Casually, it's like, you're just going to, I'm going to read this medical intuition book, or I'm going to take this online course. It's going to have a very natural flow. And then it's, then it's going to have that organic. "Hey, I've been studying with so-and-so, you know, Would you be open to me giving you a reading or doing a scan?" Just like with friends and stuff? Have an organic.. from there. And then so it's like, it's gonna be a few months before you start making money from it, you know, it's not gonna be overnight. And it's gonna start as a more as like, quote, side hustle as a part time thing. Before before it becomes more of a full time thing. It has potential to be a full time thing. And I see you partnering with other Reiki healers, Who are Reiki healers, but don't necessarily do the same level of intuition. Yeah, that's how I see it. It's like I see you being you have a few different people that like refer out to you. Just like I might refer out to you one day, because I'm not a medical intuitive. You have a few different people that that refer out to you. They also want to talk about nutrition. That if you wanted to rap in nutrition, that that would be something you'd be gifted at as well. So you could as a part of your medical intuition, you could study nutrition and you could study supplements. So if people came to you, and were like, Yeah, I'm on these omegas, but I don't know. And then you might say, well, you really need a magnesium or you whatever, whatever. And obviously, you're not a doctor, people should get their bloodwork done. You'll have all that liability stuff sorted out. But those, those are things that you're going to be able to see and identify. Or you have some capacity to, if you want to you could.
Lori 25:29
So do they see me eventually being able to quit my current?
Amy Hageman 25:34
Lori 25:35
Okay. Okay, good. Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah.
Amy Hageman 25:41
Honestly, I see your current job going even better first. Oh, okay. I have a good year or two.
Amy Hageman 25:51
Like you're gonna leave on a high note. Good. Yeah. It's not like things are going bad there. Things are actually going to get even better there. Because you're going to be doing this other stuff and your energy is going to be better. And yeah, it's going to be good.
Lori 26:09
Wonderful, interesting. I just ordered a massage table today. Like I'm going to get this going. I don't really know what I'm gonna do, but he will help me. She'll tell me.
Amy Hageman 26:22
Good for you.
Lori 26:23
Yeah, I'm trying to just put those in motion.
Amy Hageman 26:27
With regards to the table. I do see you dabbling in some other things. So like, full sound healing. None of that is something that you're going to concentrate on. Yeah. Like you might have, like one singing bowl, or you might have, you know, that you'd like to do, but your real concentration is the medical intuition and the energy healing. So they're being very clear with me. It's the medical intuition first.
Lori 26:56
Yep. Yep. No, that that definitely resonates with me. Big time.
Amy Hageman 27:02
Good. I'm so glad it resonated. I was really nervous. I was like, she, she could be telling me, she's gonna, you know, go be a rock star or something.
Lori 27:12
No, that definitely, definitely. DoI have time to ask one more quick question. Yes. How's my daughter doing? She's still fairly distant from me. And I do worry about her drinking and her mental health.
Amy Hageman 27:28
Sure. In terms of like substance or self sabotaging behaviors, those are overlapping categories. They're not entirely separate. They're not entirely overlapping. That's in process. That's in process. I feel like honestly, I feel like she's in the middle of it. In terms of the distance, we're in the middle of it. Different timelines. But we've we've got some time left with both of these journeys. And again, the distance is a good thing. You don't want to be super intimate with her while she's having this phase of life. And I'm not I'm not going to malign her character when I say this. But as people in general, while we're on substances, we can be a little bit abusive to others and towards ourselves. And you don't want to be close with her in this time, where she is doing more substance stuff than she will in the future.
Lori 28:51
Will she come out of this on her own? Or will she need some like intervention?
Amy Hageman 28:57
Yeah, most likely, she's going to come out of it on her own. Likely it's a little too early to tell. And it depends. There's like a little bit of the addiction stuff there. But honestly, that's the smaller concern. It's more about the stories that she's telling herself.She would, she would do well, with therapy. If she's already in therapy. She needs a different therapist or a different type of therapy.
Lori 29:30
She won't even allow herself the idea. I suggest and it just goes like the other...
Amy Hageman 29:43
Yep. So there. Hopefully there's a day. I don't know why people like coaching. It could be life coaching. It could be we could put a different name on it and a different flavor to it. But that would be, that would be beneficial for her and it's not about, honestly, it's not about... the substance use is the symptom, it's not the problem.
Lori 30:07
Gotcha. Gotcha.
Amy Hageman 30:10
I know we're concerned about possible addiction. Yeah. That's always going to be a little bit of a concern. Right now. That's not, that's not a large concern. And her energy, it's just, yeah.
Lori 30:24
So the best thing for me to do is just to keep this kind of letting her figure it out, versus saying you need to see a life because, you know, she just, I've even mentioned life coach. So it's interesting. You brought that up, and well..
Amy Hageman 30:42
I brought that up earlier. I want to be clear. She will not take kindly to you suggesting anything at all. There's no suggestions here. You know, every once in a while, you can say, I'm here. I'm here if you need me. Okay. If you ever want support, I will be here. I will help you get support. Like, every once in a while, you could say something like that and leave it very general. But for the most part, it's just casual conversation. You assume everything is going well. You are not acting concerned at all. Because her... if she feels like you're concerned about her, that's going to put more resistance in between the two of you.
Lori 31:34
Okay, understood.
Amy Hageman 31:36
She wants to be seen as like, I'm a fully healthy adult making adult decisions. Thank you very much.
Lori 31:43
Yeah. Right. Yeah. [Laughing]
Amy Hageman 31:46
Exactly. And then as an as an older adult, you're like, "Yeah, sure. You are."
Lori 31:50
Yeah, exactly.
Amy Hageman 31:52
Sure. We've all been 22 or however.. So in terms of like, the only thing you can do that would be helpful would be to act as if you're not concerned. And to give her the space that she wants. And if you feel a need to be like, I'm here to support you, if you need it. Do that as little as possible and do it as vaguely as possible. But most likely, she's gonna get out of this on her own. That's the most likely outcome. She would get through it faster if she got support. You know, most humans choose not to get support. So that's the norm. It's just, yeah. And your Aunt Florence says she's got an eye on her.
Lori 32:52
Good. [Laughing] That's exactly what she would say. Oh, my gosh, it's so funny. Florence just makes me laugh. Yeah. Yeah. It's so great. She came through and it's so ironic because I was talking to Patti yesterday about her
Amy Hageman 33:07
Is your cousin stubborn too?
Lori 33:11
My cousin.? Yeah, very much so.
Amy Hageman 33:15
Like talk about stubborn!
Lori 33:16
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. It is.
Amy Hageman 33:20
But yeah. Your mother's not the only one.
Lori 33:22
No, she's not. She definitely is not.
Amy Hageman 33:28
Saying it like lovingly. She's wanting to tease her daughter. She's not saying it to be cruel or mean. Yeah, very specific. If if Patty listens to this, but it's to be she's teasing. She loves her daughter, she's very proud of her. She wants us all to know.
Lori 33:48
Oh, okay. Flooring. They know, I guess I better tell daddy passes rested. We did they did they have their things. It was funny. Yeah, they did. So awesome.
Amy Hageman 34:03
All right. Well, thank you so much, Lori.
Lori 34:05
Thank you. You're amazing and always point on, as always so helpful.
Amy Hageman 34:12
Oh, thank you. Thank you and I I'm excited to touch base whenever your mom lets go. It'll be interesting to see. You know how her transition goes.
Lori 34:23
Exactly. We will definitely be talking for sure. Yes.
Amy Hageman 34:28
All right. Well, thanks again.
Lori 34:29
Thank you, Amy. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. Bye.
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