Getting to Know Amy

Apr 13, 2022

I’m so excited to be creating this blog - based on my podcast, Living Out Love!

This is a brief introduction to me and my goals for the podcast.

Here are they key takeaways:

  • I’m creating this podcast so I can bring my two worlds together - leadership & spirituality.

    • I believe this is how we are best served as souls in human form

  • I’ve been immersed in the world of leadership for as long as I can remember. It was part of my childhood, my first-hand experience at work, and now as a facilitator and coach.

  • In 2021 I started this business and began offering my spiritual skills to others in order to offer them healing, growth, clarity, inspiration, and validation.

  • Each week I will discuss a new topic - the episodes will vary greatly, but, they will all help you to become more of the person you are called to be.


Leadership is one of the two themes of my life, and this podcast.

Learning more about leadership can help us relate to others, create changes in our organizations, understand the time lag between changed behavior and noticeable outcomes, etc.

Leadership is everywhere in our lives. Regardless of our roles at home, in the community, and at work, leadership skills help us to behave effectively.

My study of leadership has helped me to understand how vast the gap between my intent and my impact can be. Knowing that my intent to be a certain way does not always translate to others in my life has been transformational.

Most of my experience in the world of leadership comes from my relationship and work with Dr. Jean Latting of Leading Consciously, and from my Master’s of Positive Organizational Development from Case Western Reserve University.



Spirituality is the foundation for everything in my life, and in the podcast.

If leadership is the thinking and the behaving, spirituality is the knowing and the feeling.

We are souls in human form.

I consider spirituality to be the exercise of our soul, and leadership to be the exercise of our human.

In order to become the people we feel called to become - we will need to develop both skillsets.

  • If we preach to spiritual enthusiasts but don’t give them the knowledge and skills to behave differently - we are ineffective in our leadership.

  • If we teach leadership skills but don’t engage with students about their belief systems - we are missing out on a HUGE opportunity to enlighten them to supportive nature of the universe.

We all have a very specific purpose in the world.

No matter our purpose - we are ALL called to be lights in the world. We’re called to express and experience love.

You are here to grow and expand. Love and expansion are energetically the same.

As you feel love (you may be receiving, giving, allowing, etc) you are connected to divine energy. The more you strengthen your connection to divine energy, the greater you expand.

In order to grow, in order to develop as a human, you must love.

It all comes back to love.


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