Follow Your Intuition: Reclaiming Your Personal Power

A Psychic Reading with Sara

Discover the power of channeled healing in this amazing episode with Amy's client Sara! In it, she shares her personal story of overcoming fear and learning to trust again. She talks about how being through training like a black belt can help anyone protect themselves even when no one else is around. Plus, get expert advice and insights from Amy and Sara's conversation about following your intuition and setting intentions for protection. Don't miss out on this meaningful conversation as we dive into setting boundaries, spirit guides, fear, and protection!


  • Being vulnerable allows one to open themselves up to love and be loved in return

  • Empower yourself by following your gut instinct and as we advance confidently.

  • Setting intentions, calling the angels, and other spiritual practices can help protect you on your journey.

  • Don’t be afraid to open up, love, trust people and be vulnerable to experience more meaningful connections with others.

  • Take the time to reflect on how you can continue growing your personal development journey daily in small ways that add up over time.

Amy Hageman  00:13

All right, and we are recording. So how can I help you today?


Sara  00:18

Hello, Amy. So, I have been in the process of going through a separation and now a divorce. And I realized that there's a lot of changes in my life that had happened. It was not easy. But it did feel like a very generational thing that needed to be ended. But there's also been struggles of like, well, shoot, Am I doing the right thing? And I guess, in some ways, I'd like to hear from some of those I know who have gone before, who have gone through this and didn't make the choices that I did. It's confirmation to me. But I also want the guidance that they can give me of being out on my own again.


Amy Hageman  01:07

Yeah, it was interesting, because I see, there's a lot of women in your lineage that are eager to come forward, but actually, I see them standing behind your spirit guide. Because your spirit guides really want to be the one to have this conversation for now. And they want to address and I'm and I see, like, aunts and grandmothers, like smiling at me, they want to address the idea that they would have chosen differently.

 It's, it's not that is not true, because it's mostly true. But they would, the vast majority of them are shaking their heads at me and saying, we wouldn't have chosen differently if we were okay. So you get to just put that story down there. And know that you have the support of everybody on the other side, like I'm literally I'm just I'm seeing at least 10s of women, all looking at me and smiling and saying that you have their full support.

And what, collectively they're also giving me is this independence is so necessary for you. It doesn't mean that you're going to be alone. It's not it's not a it's an it's an independence from that partner. And that dynamic of a relationship. Okay, and that whatever partners you may have in the future, that you will have a different level of independence within those relationships. Got it? And it's interesting, it's like they're showing me it's almost like a Venn diagram of within your marriage, where was their independence, and where was their dependence, or interdependence. And it's like, they were just in some of the wrong places. There, there were areas where you were being independent, where having a partner would have been really good. And then there were areas where, like, you didn't need somebody in their opinion. But you had it and so it's, it's like, finding the right balance and in the right places. It I literally feel like they show me like your experience of your marriage. And it's, you know, how like, when you put out like a fire you can they have those like fire blankets and you like put the blanket on top of the fire and it flushes it? Yes. It's like, you’re the fire, and your marriage was just that blanket.


Sara  03:59

Okay, yeah.


Amy Hageman  04:01

Yeah. And it's no, it's no shame on you or on your partner, now. Divorced husband, like, it's no shame on any of that. It's just, it was time to move on. So they're just giving you all of that so that you can rest assured this, there's no judgment, this was the right decision for all involved. And you knew that already, but hearing it from them, they say it was important.

So advice in terms of moving forward, they, they want you to be really focused on who you are, independently. And, only invite in for the time being like this will change where like, there will be a day in the future where it's 5050. But for now, it's like you're an independent person, who's a goddess. And we're only going to invite men who want to worship at your feet. Sir. And you know, I say that, you know, tongue in cheek, because we don't really want to invite somebody to come in and worship and be obsessed with you. But there's a little bit of that. I know who I am now. And I'm willing to be seen for who I am. Yes. I'm not willing to put the blanket on my own fire anymore. Yeah, yeah. And there is a bigness about this. It's like literally, they're, they're wanting me like, I'm, I'm feeling like, my shoulders expand, I'm sitting up taller, it's like, I want to take over the whole room that I'm sitting in, and they're wanting you to have a allowing your energy to be bigger. You are a very powerful energetic person. And I think you know that because you are very intuitively connected. But it's like, they're wanting you to allow yourself to embody that power. Okay. And it's interesting, because when they were showing me that you're a powerful person, I was kind of turning to them and sort of going well issue like, a channel, is she a healer? Like when we think of the really connected intuitive people? Like, what do we think of, and I was seeing you as it's like a healer, but it's almost like an electronic engineer. Like I'm, I'm seeing you manipulate energy from a very electrically charged place. Like, whereas I see other people that would manipulate energy, it would be like, from a healing point of view. With yours. It's, it's a much more creative and like a manifestation point of view.


Sara  06:47

Interesting. I've been trying to figure out what to do with this for a while, and it's become more so in the past month or so.


Amy Hageman  06:55

Yeah. Have you ever seen those things where like, they'll put them on a little put an object like on top of their hand or on a table or something? And then with their other hand, they'll just push at the object? But you know, inches above it? Yeah. And then eventually, the object falls off the table, even though even though nobody's touched it, and the hand is inches away. Have you ever seen that sort of stuff?


Sara  07:20



Amy Hageman  07:21

I am seeing you doing that sort of work. I mean, not. Not necessarily, like forever. But it's like helping you tune in and develop that sense of power that you have within you.


Sara  07:38

No, I do. Yeah. I get that. Yeah, I was discussing telekinesis with someone last month. Oh, no, I was literally feeling more energy for the first, like, massive amounts of energy, I could feel other people's energies that I'd never been able to do that before, up until I'd had a therapy session. And then I forgave a few different things. And then it was like, whoosh, where did this come from? But I can feel all these people's energies.


Amy Hageman  08:10

So profound there, it would have to say this. Okay. Forgiveness is like, the number one tool of the intuitive. Okay. And so I just because this is for the podcast, I just have to share that because that's, that's a key piece of information. I mean..


Sara  08:29

it is I can't explain it. I have told my therapist about it. And, you know, another doctor that I had, we decided to change one of my medications to see hey, is this going to change that because I, I have the thyroid medication that I've been on for three years, and he's like, over that balance, see if that changes anything? And it did, it made me okay. Now, I'm not like, feeling like I'm vibrating at this high energy anymore. But I don't know. Was I vibrating at that high energies for a long time, I don't think there really wasn't maybe three months. And it just went to like, top and I almost felt like oh my gosh, I know other people in my life, who have ADHD, and other people who have Bipolar, bipolar disease and you know, live with that, and they vibrate so high, and I've been around them when they're manic. And I couldn't feel them in the past. I was I was feeling people, like, oh my god, this is like crazy that I can feel your energy. And I come back home and be like, I need that off of me. I needed to like, set up more boundaries. Yeah, be able to try to, you know, if I'm absorbing that squeezed anatomy, get that out of me. You know, setting up a space. Any suggestions on that?


Amy Hageman  09:48

Yes. Part of the reason why they want you to play with telekinesis is because whether consciously or unconsciously, a lot of your work as an Do it a person has been that of the funds. Where it's like, you've, you've tuned into other people and you've gotten insights, and maybe you've got prophetic dreams, that sort of thing. But it's all from tuning and other people. And so the more you can start to play with making things happen, that's gonna be a really fun way to set up boundaries. Okay? It's sort of interesting, because like, we think that the boundary is all about between us and the other person and setting up a wall. But the boundary is more with ourselves. And this is your guides talking just about me talking. So your guides are saying that as you learn how much of a creator you are, you're going to find other people's experience far less interesting. Yeah. And so just intuitively, it's like that, it's that you have to be spiritually connected, you're gonna be meeting that it's somewhere else. And then when it comes over to the friend, that's bipolar, that's manic or whatever, you're gonna be much more aware of, like, Oh, I'm tuning into them. And sometimes you'll choose to feel that connection because it feels like intimacy. And sometimes you'll be like, I don't need that. And so the boundary is much more about you deciding whether or not you're interested in having that vibrational connection. They say you've relied on that, on that kind of the experience of being a sponge, you've relied on that sponge experience for so long, because that was your greatest intuitive gift that you could read other people. And so it's like, by being in touch with other people, it helps you feel in touch with spirit, or divine energy. And now it's like, okay, well, why don't you just get in touch with divine energy and let other people be other people?


Sara  12:02

I get it. Sure.

I feel selfish. In a way, though, Mike. Well, what we how is this helping? Me? Yeah, figure out my own journey of what I'm supposed to be here. And I suppose, because I've always been so driven to help others. Well, I wasn't always meant just that somewhere when I was like, almost 20.


Amy Hageman  12:23

It's gonna feel selfish at first, but know that this is not the end game. And it's funny, they're showing me what they were showing me before. Like, where I was seeing you manipulate energy, and it almost looked like you were welding like, it was like sparks. And now I'm realizing, oh, that's also like the fire. So that's the theme here. But it's like, let's say that you're gonna go and you're gonna do telekinesis, and you're gonna focus on manifestation, and you're gonna focus on creating energy, in the world, in your life, etc. Okay, then, when it comes time, when there's a divine opportunity, a divine match for you to help people, then you're going to bring a real world skill to the table that has a different, a different impact than just being able to really relate and make them feel seen and valued. Okay? Which is not, we're not trying to belittle that, like there's other people that are energetically codependent that can feel what other people are feeling. But don't validate them. Whereas with you, when you when you are experiencing somebody else's emotions, you reflect it back to them, and they feel seen and understood in a different way. Yes. So that guys just want to be very clear that what you have is a gift and is being helpful. And if you can start to focus on your own divine expression, and the way that you can manifest that in the world, and whether that's like, Oh, I just made a flower bloom, because I stood over it and rubbed my hands together, whatever, or whether that's, oh, I manifested $5 For my afternoon coffee. Then you're gonna have this whole other more powerful skill set to bring to the table.


Sara  14:16

Okay. Yeah.


Amy Hageman  14:19

And also, this is also just about that independence. It's so funny. We're coming back here. We were there with relationships. And now we're here with your energetic work. It's about creating independence from others and then being with others at your choosing. Yes, you are beholden to no one. Yes. We could say maybe a little bit to your children in that sort of way. But, you know, that's the only obligation. You're obligated but you're not.


Sara  14:52

I'm working on a healthy secure attachment with both of them. You know, I'm working on that. I know I have it with one and the other one. I did not I don't think that was there was. I don't think she could from a child. As a child. She was inconsolable. Difficult.


Amy Hageman  15:11

Yeah, there's a lot of past life stuff with her. Okay. Let me see some of the past life stuff. Your soul was involved, but much of it was not it was just be brought some stuff in this lifetime to heal. Because she's with you. Yes. And a lot of it I hate to say she's not going to heal some of this stuff. She's not going to heal till she's like in her 40s. Okay, not all of it, but some of it. So this is a long haul game with with her past life stuff.


Sara  15:45

I'm patient, she's got to do the work. And I'm here to be supportive. Because I know that, you know, some people may some people in our lives are very dismissive, dismissive of my spirituality. And the youngest, she gets it. Definitely. In on the older one. She She is the one who was inconsolable as a baby. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, what do I do? Yeah. And so I did the opposite with the next one, you know, if anything can Meet the Fockers, I factorize. The second one, and she seems much more well adjusted. And I'm like, Well, I'm glad I didn't listen to everybody else this time. But I kind of blamed myself being well, it's what they told me to the first one and even even when I would try to hold her and hug her and rocker and do all of that she was still inconsolable. Yeah. And like, Okay, I have to walk away from her. At times. I had to just let her understand for five and walk away. And, you know, do what I could not lose my hearing. Screaming. And the second one was so different. So easy. Who was like, maybe it wasn't me, you know?


Amy Hageman  16:59

Yeah, there's, if you could do some releasing work around that the guilt that I felt the guilt that you felt and the story that you have about her being inconsolable.


Sara  17:16

I think it makes her feel guilty. Like she was problems. Maybe it wasn't that I just explained to her. I tried to love you and try to control you. You just cry. Yeah. Yeah. I tried to make her not feel that it makes any of them any more unlovable than the other one. No, that's because she was a more difficult baby. And it's so hard because it's like, well, I don't you're you're gonna have maybe you'll have kids someday. And, you know, I've been told if I was the first I've been the last because I was like that also as a baby. I cried a lot. A lot. Yeah. My mom, my mom would say, oh, yeah, a little bit of karma there.


Amy Hageman  18:01

Well, it feels to me like she carries that story with her.


Sara  18:07



Amy Hageman  18:10

There's some version of, there's something wrong with me or I'm bad or I'm hard to be with or there's some belief that she has that I can identify it. I don't get into her energy field that there's some belief that she has to be carried with her. Where if we could reframe it and say like, your body must have been so uncomfortable. Yes, like, life was hard for you at that phase. And I did the best I could. And I'm sorry, I couldn't make it better.


Sara  18:43

Yeah, her GI distress got better. And she was calmer when we figured more out more of the GI upset.


Amy Hageman  18:49

I was gonna ask you if it was reflux, because that was my mind. Yep, I had that. But then I was like,


Sara  18:55

Reflux and constipation, both, like signing one thing versus another versus another. And then by the time she was six, seven months old, she was a little bit better once we put on my gas drops and formula, you know, all these different things. We tried so many things.


Amy Hageman  19:10

Yeah, it's so hard. Yeah, it's funny how old people they like Oh, to be young again. And I looked at kids and I go, what point was it easy? Like, young, easy. It's it's just as hard being a kid.

Bless. Bless her heart. Yeah. So just work on reframing that for her. Where instead of saying like, and you just cried, it's like, and your body was uncomfortable or things were hard and I felt helpless.


Sara  19:48

Yeah. Yeah, I see the reframing. Yeah, right. Right.


Amy Hageman  19:55

And the thing about..all babies but especially, especially sensitive babies, is that it is hard to come down and be human, and then fall into the illusion that we are separate from God. Hmm. So, GI distress or not, it makes sense that there are some tears.

So, I just want to say that so we can all have compassion for each other, you know, at any age, it just makes sense that there are some tears because we all fall into this illusion that we're separate from God that we are not loved that we're not lovable in some form or fashion.


Sara  20:45

But we're all one. My younger one we're listening to Within You, Without You from the Beatles. Okay, the lyrics of that basically explained that we are all ones. And she was like, Mom, this is that this is the key. She pointed that out for me. And I was looking at him like, wow, okay. That's profound. You just realized that already at your age.


Amy Hageman  21:09

That is profound.


Sara  21:13

Yeah, she was telling me how she listened to that. And she could imagine what she would do. Like if she created like a video for that and beautiful colors and like the other things that she would do, you know, to go along with that song. That's how her creative mind works. I appreciate that. I get that. From that she's able to talk to me and i i implore her and and I empower her to explore her creativity, because I know she'll I know she'll be creative someday. She's trying to figure out what she wants to do. You know?


Amy Hageman  21:53

Oh and I want to say, even with your it's the oldest that had the GI distress in the pathway stuff, correct? Yes. I think she's a lot more sensitive than she knows. Or then she led on, I think, and she, like, I even think if we're talking gastric distress, this literally that what we're physically we're processing, we're processing what we're taking in? And I think she's just a very sensitive person. Yes. who probably has quite a profound spiritual connection, but figured out pretty early on what was acceptable and what wasn't.


Sara  22:41



Amy Hageman  22:42

And it seems to me that whoever was around her, the majority of people around her probably would not have taken kindly to communicating with something unseen. Like, literally, I'm getting an image of she's in a crib, and I see, like a grandparent or maybe even a pet, but I see a loved one that's passed on in the room with her. And then I see an alive and well family member coming in and ignoring the loved one that's passed on. And it's like she realizes that they...that they don't communicate. And it's distressing for her. Okay? Because it's so natural for her. And it's like it, even though no one has said, There's no such thing as dead people. You know what I mean? There's no such thing as ghosts. No one said anything like that to this, like three month old baby or whatever. It's like, he's figuring out already who's allowed to exist. I get it. And it's like, distressing for her. So it's so subconscious and buried inside of her, but I wouldn't be super shocked if he became, you know, hippie, hippie woowoo, so to speak, at some point in her life.


Sara  24:16

She knows, you know, all the ghost hunters and all those kind of TV shows came on when she was quite young, and I would watch some of them when she was little, and then I had to start shielding her a little bit. She loved those though. Absolutely loved them versus the younger one. who actively would tell me about seeing spirits and things like that. She absolutely hates those kind of shows.


Amy Hageman  24:39

I do too.


Sara  24:41

I don't I don't like them as much. There's there's one that I like, I'm not gonna say what it was, but it's the one where they were very respectful. Because they like to go and try to figure out why are you here and how can we help you basically thinking of them as humans most of the time and they also have a psychic who works with them. And I appreciate that. This is it's the same, he's on the same page with them. You know, as far as the investigators, not about scaring it's not about you know, all of that it's about the unseen world that has always existed in my mind. That was also, you know, people were like, okay, don't be talking about that. Because, you know, yeah, not everybody's gonna accept that. So I know, I started shutting it down to the degree to like, Well, why do I know about this stuff? Why did I know that when I shouldn't? You know, when I would have premonitions, and then I don't tell people about it. Because, well, with your religious upbringing, you don't talk about that. That's right, you know, to be, you know, this or that, or that could be devils or demons, or whatever you want to say. But it was the always natural to me to know that there is an afterlife, or there's another side of the world for them cannot be. But I suppose when my kids were little babies, I didn't want to sit and discuss that with them or too little for that. But I could at least just it didn't shock me when the youngest one told me what she was seeing. And I'm right. The other one, I figured, oh, gosh, maybe I'm scaring her too much. If I watch these shows, I better not let her and then she tried to watch them when she went on when I wasn't around. She'd be like, I want to watch this. And I'm like, why? You know, don't don't don't get too into the scary tactic.


Amy Hageman  26:31

Right? The scary part, right? Yeah, that's why I don't like them, I'm like, I have no problem with dead people. Just exactly. But I don't find them scary.


Sara  26:41

I don't either. I mean, no, that's not how I think of them. I think there are too many people who do think of them that way. Right? Right. I think it's an extension of their soul that just moves on to the next realm that we can't be. I can't see them. I can still sense them. Or they come across to me one way or another. And it creeps me out when a when when I realized that only up. That's a big old sign like multiple enroll. Okay, I'll figure out what I need to do with that. But at least I know I have some friends who are accepting of that. And I appreciate that. That was the standpoint of I've at least told my daughter's, you know, feel free to come to me and talk about this. You know, I'm an open person for them to come and talk about that. Even if they are their dad, their dad will never get that fight. And he never got that about me. That was part of this. I wish I could have helped them understand better, but I know that I can't make someone else. You pick the woowoo out of it, you know, right? Yeah. Right.


Amy Hageman  27:55

 Yeah, it feels very much to me like part part of the reason your daughters chose you, as their mom is for the possibility the option to maintain a spiritual connection in this lifetime doesn't mean they'll choose it that they wanted to have the option.


Sara  28:18



Amy Hageman  28:19

And with your oldest daughter, I honestly I feel like logically, I'm thinking they're talking about your oldest daughter, but they're telling me this is your youngest daughter because I was wanted to go back to your oldest daughter's past life stuff, because I wanted to tell you like, you don't need to go see a past life hypnotherapist or anything that her healing is going to occur naturally. But there's something about safety with your youngest daughter. Yes. That they they want to just bring up also a pathway that I sense that you all are already doing something like you're talking to her energetically about boundaries or about maybe talking to her spirit guide. Like there's something that you're doing with her already around safety.


Sara  29:10

Safety or like it's mental, cuz I do both actually.


Amy Hageman  29:14

Yeah. It's tricky. It is tricky, because it's almost like the more you talk about it. The at first it makes her feel more safe. It makes her feel like she has a toolkit, and it makes her feel less safe. Like there really is something to be scared. Yeah, yeah. It's so tricky. So they want to have some sort of a book that I haven't read that I don't know the name of because they're showing me a book, but I can't see it. I mean, I could see that as a book, but I can't say the name of the title. But there's some sort of a book about the way the universe works and energetically, it might be like, I don't think it's a Reiki book. But I do feel like it might be like an Eden energy medicine or it might I think it's like an energetic book and about just like the way the universe works yeah, it because there really is nothing to be afraid of. Right?


Sara  30:29

I get it, I get all of that.


Amy Hageman  30:31

Yeah. And it doesn't. That doesn't mean, you know, don't buckle your seatbelt. You know,


Sara  30:38

but she has, she has a black belt for a reason.


Amy Hageman  30:42

Yeah. Okay.


Sara  30:44

And I had to I process that as if we wanted to make sure she was able to self defense. Even though she was like, Okay, I'm done now and be done. Now. I'm like, No, it's like you to continue. And then like, it was a matter of me wanting to, like I told him, I actually told you this, this weekend to process this. And I was like, you know, it wasn't me wanting to be able to brag about you, because I don't just routinely tell people yeah, my youngest as a black belt. She, she had been hurt. And we wanted to make sure that she could defend herself because we felt as parents we had let let her down. Right. And we know that we cannot always be there with her. So at least if we empower her to get the protection that she can have herself and maybe, maybe, but on the other hand, any of us really protect ourselves sometimes. Right? Yeah, that's it's a bit of an illusion, you know, yep, empowers her to be to have the training. And you can always, you know, set your intentions and column, the angels and every single one else that you need to protect me here, you know, once I go through this, and not fear when I'm going forward in this, you know, who knows where it's going? Yeah, situation? Yeah, at least I feel that I can. I can tell her, it's good to be able to follow your gut instinct. And to afford, you know, without fear. Because if you don't fear, then you're not opening yourself up to be able to love and to be loved and to be there, you know, to trust people. Be vulnerable, you know?


Amy Hageman  32:26

Yeah. Yeah. So that's just something. It seems like you already haven't have your eye on it. They just want to bring that up. There's something to be aware of.


Sara  32:35

Okay. Yeah.


Amy Hageman  32:38

That's wonderful. Well, there. Thank you so much. This was such an I feel like you asked me one question, and we just kept talking. But thank you so much for being on the podcast, and I hope this was helpful.


Sara  32:51

Yes, it was Amy. It was always useful. Thank you.


Amy Hageman  32:56

Thanks. Bye bye.


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